Chapter 21...

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Love the cover on the side. (Not sure if I already posted it or not) Whoever made it COMMENT so you can get credit :) <3 

Song on the side is Can't Stop The Feeling by Justin Timberlake. It is just plain amazing and a perfect song to dance to! 

"Carter! Come is Gage."

It felt like my entire body was doused in ice cold water. I could hear Dylan yelling through the phone but it was coming out all muffled. My mind wasn't working as I stood still in the middle of my bedroom. My hand was clenching my phone so tightly I was afraid it would snap.

"Carter! Carter!" My name was repeated in my ear. Realizing that it was still Dylan yelling my name I tried to snap out of it.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered out.

"You need to come over. There's a lot of blood and I don't know what to do." I could clearly hear the panic in his voice.

"I'll be there in just a minute. Make sure to have the first aid kit out." I said before hanging up. I could feel myself shaking and my mind was racing. I had to hurry. The only thought I had at the moment was to get to Gage and make sure he was okay. With that I scrambled around my room grabbing my bag, my phone, and running to the bathroom to get our first aid kit. If it was as bad as Dylan made it out to be I'd need both.

Making sure I had everything I needed I snatched my keys up from the counter and ran out the door. All I could keep picturing was Gage laying on the ground with blood pooling out of him. As soon as I left my building I high tailed it to Dylan and Gage's dorm building. Thankfully not many people were out so I was free to run without dodging people. I may have looked like a crazy person running across campus but I could care less.

The moment their building was in view I picked up my pace, my breath coming out in pants. I really needed to get into shape. Now is not the time to be thinking of that. I mentally yelled at myself.

I booked it up the stairs briefly remembering what room they were in. When I saw apartment number 17 I grasped the door handle and barged in. I should have thought more about their door being unlocked but in that moment it went out of my mind fast.

"Dylan! Gage!" I yelled looking around the living room. Where the hell were they?

"In here!" Dylan yelled from what I think was the bathroom. My feet quickly took me in the direction I heard his voice. My heart was pounding in my chest and clenched painfully. What if he was really hurt? How could I stitch him up if it was terrible?

When I reached the outside of the bathroom I could hear noises. I took a deep breath schooling my features. If I was freaked out then he would be to. I had to stay calm and collect. Nodding my head at my thoughts I entered the bathroom. I almost closed my eyes hoping that there wasn't a crap load of blood because I would pass out.

"Hey! I brought the first aid-" I started to say only to stop dead in my tracks. I stared at both boys. Dylan was leaning against the sink with his arms crossed over his chest, and Gage was sitting on the toilet seat. My eyes took in the entire the bathroom only to come up empty. There was not an ounce of blood anywhere.

"Wha-" I stared at Gage who looked up at me in surprise. He looked basically fine besides a small looking cut above his eyebrow. I could see his cheek was slightly swollen but that was it. There was not a lot of blood or anything to freak out over like Dylan did.

"I..." I trailed off not finding any words.

"What are you doing here?" Gage asked looking up at me. His eyes traveled the length of me and I couldn't help but blush. I bet my hair was in a birds nest from running all the way here, my face was probably all red from running up the stairs and being frantic.

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