xxxviii. | beautiful flower

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Disclaimer; I do not own Supernatural. If I did, all of Sam and Dean's family wouldn't have died. (Who am I kidding? Yes they would lmao.)

All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two; Part Two.

"Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." -Lilo & Stitch

THE THREE RUSHED TO A CLOSE car, taking cover behind it. Emery felt hyper aware of Dean's presence, feeling her heart cracking when he didn't make sure she was there. They had broken up, but it was to protect her from him. From his loss, and the mourning, and he was an idiot to think she was going to be okay just because they broke up. She wanted to turn around and deck him, but it seemed that she couldn't look at him.

It hurt too much.

The three of them rushed around to see Ellen, Emery feeling some kind of emotions towards it. She had heard about the Roadhouse from Dean and had been scared that the older woman had been burned to a crisp. But here she was, in front of them, looking good and not charred at all.

"Ellen? Ellen!" Dean shouted, yelling, before hugging the shocked woman. Emery walked away, letting the three of them escort her back into the house. She walked to the middle of where they had been before, looking around. Behind her, Dean turned back to get her, though Bobby put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. The older man knew she had a lot of feelings inside and needed to take them out somehow.

Once she knew that they were a safe distance away, Emery broke down. The tears flooded her vision, rolling down her cheeks as she collapsed to the ground. All the people she has lost, all that pain and grief started rushing back. Her adopted parents, John, Ellen for a little bit, Ash, Sam though Dean brought him back, and now Dean. And there was probably more. Emery couldn't think straight, feeling her head get caught in the thought of Dean. She wasn't sure she could take seeing him dead.

But she wouldn't leave him. Not like this.

After she cried, sobbing and pulling her hair, she stood up and wiped her tears. She needed that, that small moment of weakness for the upcoming events. Emery walked back into the house, heading to the washroom to make sure her eyes weren't to red. After splashing cold water on her face, she walked out to the room where they were all leaning over a map, listening to Bobby.

Emery walked over to Ellen, needing the comfort of the woman, hugging her tightly. Sam looked at her oddly, but Emery ignored him. Then, the brunette stood between Sam and Ellen, listening to what Bobby had to say about Wyoming.

He pointed to a map that Emery hadn't seen before, but had x's drawn on it in strategic points. "Each of these x's is an abandoned Frontier Church. All mid 19th Century and all of them built by Samuel Colt."

"Samuel Colt?" Dean asked, but Emery couldn't look at him. It hurt too much. To see him sitting there in all his excellent glory, those pink, full lips and amazing green eyes. "The demon killing, gun making Samuel Colt?"

"Yep and there's more," Bobby said, leaning over the map. "He built private railway lines, connecting church to church. That just happened to lay out like this." Bobby drew a star on the map, connecting each x and Emery felt shock fill her body. It was a Devil's Trap.

"Tell me that's not what I think it is," Dean said, staring at the map. Emery stood in shock too, wondering why Samuel Colt had made a huge trap in the middle of Wyoming.

"It's a Devil's Trap," Sam answered him, looking at everyone in the room.

"A hundred square mile Devil's Trap," Emery pointed out, her eyes connecting with Bobby's, Ellen's, and Sam's, but skipping over Dean. Sam seemed to notice, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. What happened while he was 'knocked out'?

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