xx. | they're gone

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Disclaimer; I don't own spn

Salvation; Part Two

"Not all monsters do monstrous things." -Teen Wolf

EMERY WOKE UP TO THE JOHN'S voice saying "I want Emery to have a normal life. I want Mary back. I just want this to be over." Before she groaned, and she felt hands place themselves on her shoulders.

She was lifted up by Dean again, who had this weird look in his eyes, before she raised her eyebrows. "So, what's the plan?"


After John explained everything, Emery was taken by Dean to go get the antique gun. After they found one that was pretty close to the original colt, they got back into the Impala and headed to the rendezvous.

Emery carved a pentagram into the handle, making it look as close to the original as she could. Dean's voice, however, made her pause.

"Did you and Sam kiss?"

Emery glanced up at him, "why would you say that?"

"Well, for one, he had your lip gloss on his lips and second, you've barely left his side. Are you guys a thing now?"

Emery sighed, running a hand over her face. Idiot. "No, we aren't a thing. We were pretending to be a married couple for the woman we met. And then Sam was in pain and I panicked, so I kissed him to distract him. I don't like your brother, Dean. He's practically family."

Dean nodded, the two of them falling into silence yet again. Emery finished the carving, just as they hit the dirt road they were supposed to meet the others at. They drove down it, the bumpiness making Emery glad she did the carving before they hit the road.

They drove down it, before coming to a stop with the sight of John and Sam closing John's weapon case. They got out of the Impala, walking towards the two.

"You got it?"

Emery pulled out the paper bag she had placed the gun in from her pocket, handing it to John. The man took it out of the bag, flipping it over and examining it.

"You know this is a trap, don't you?" Dean asked. "That's why Meg wants you to come alone."

"I can handle her. I got a whole arsenal loaded. Holy Water, Mandaic, amulets..."

"Dad," Dean interrupted his father, before latching his hand on to Emery's.


"Promise me something."

"What's that?"

Dean squeezed Emery's hand. "If this thing goes south, just get the hell out. Don't get yourself killed, you're no good to us dead."

"Same goes for you," John said. "Listen to me, they made the bullets special for this colt." John pulled out the actual gun. "Only four of them left. Without them, this gun is useless... You make every shot count."

"Yes, sir," Sam answered and Emery gave Dean's hand a squeeze.

"Been waiting a long time for this fight. And now it's here, I'm not gonna be in it. It's up to you guys now." There was a pause, John looking at the ground instead of looking between the three of them. He looked up, before saying, "it's your fight. You finish this. You finish what I started. You understand?"

Tragedy ° DEAN WINCHESTEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora