xiii. | i'm gonna miss my own funeral

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Disclaimer; I don't own Supernatural. I wish I did. I could hang with J2M2 all the time.


Skin; Part Two

"Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something stupid." -Pirates of the Caribbean.

EMERY GROANED, FEELING A PAIN IN her cheek and the side of her head. As she peeled her eyes open, which took some time, she noticed a tarp draped over her body. Emery tried to move it, but the ropes binding her waist and hands dug into her skin.

She somehow got the tarp away from her head, just in time to see the shapeshifter walk into the room. It was a gross looking place, with rusted metal walls and dirt everywhere.

"Wow, Emery, you're the first to wake," The shapeshifter noted, walking over to Emery and pushing his lips roughly against hers. Due to surprise, the monster was able to push his tongue into the girl's mouth, deepening the kiss. Once her senses came back, Emery clamped her teeth on to the monster's tongue, tasting the metallic taste of blood as it flooded her mouth.

The shapeshifter pulled his mouth away, backhanding her cheek, Emery hissing as pain shot through her body. Obviously, there was a bruise there. Turning back toward the creature (the momentum of the slap had turned her head), Emery spat the mixture of saliva, his blood from his tongue, and the blood from her cut open on her lip, onto 'Dean''s face.

"Have you always been this feisty?" The shapeshifter laughed, wiping angrily at the stuff on his face. He gripped onto Emery's cheeks, pushing on them so she couldn't talk. "No wonder Dean liked you when he was younger."

Suddenly, a groan sounded from across Emery, the shapeshifter turning to see Sam's eyes blink open. The monster smirked, letting go of Emery and walking to Sam. Once in front of him, 'Dean' backhanded Sam too. Recovering quickly, Sam glared at the creature.

"Where are they?" Sam asked, before his eyes met Emery's. "Where's Dean?"

"I wouldn't worry about him," the shapeshifter admitted. "I'd worry about you."

"Where is he?" This time, Emery spat it out, glaring at the thing.

"Oh, Darling, you really don't want to know," the shapeshifter chuckled, before turning back to Sam. "I swear, the more I learn about you and your family... I thought I came from a bad background."

"What do you mean, learn?" Sam asked. Suddenly, the shapeshifter stopped whatever it was doing (Emery didn't have the best angle) and clutched it's head in pain. The grimace on his face gave away it's distaste, his hand twitching on the side of its head. What was wrong with it?

Sam and Emery gave each other a confused look, before turning back to the monster.

"What was that about, Shifter?" Emery asked.

The thing ignored her, however, and Emery took this as a chance. She could feel a knife she stashed in her converse pressing against her ankle. She was somehow able to twist and grab it.

"He's sure got issues with you. You got to go to college. He had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home. With Dad. You don't think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you?"

"Where is my brother?" Sam ground out, glaring at the thing.

It leaned in close to Sam, smirking. "I am your brother. See, deep down, I'm just jealous. You got friends. You could have a life. Me? I know I'm a freak. And sooner or later, everyone's gonna leave me."

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