v. | nobody likes a cannibal

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Disclaimer; Still don't own Supernatural. Life sucks, I know.

Wendigo; Part Two

"We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh." -The Doctor

EMERY HAD BAGS UNDER HER EYES as she climbed into the backseat of the Impala the next morning. She hadn't slept a wink of sleep since the Winchester brothers had gotten in the night before. The brunette girl also didn't tell the boys she knew it was a Wendigo, because Emery was afraid.

She didn't know how she knew it was a Wendigo. And that's what scared her the most.

The girl could barely keep her eyes open as her head lulled back on the seat. She caught Dean's gaze in the rearview mirror, and the beautiful green was full guilt. Emery shook her head ever so slightly, trying to reassure the man that it wasn't his fault.

Like she mentioned before, she was absolutely terrified.

As they drove down the street to where Haley and her brother, plus the guide, were supposed to be, Emery thought. The guilt that was eating her alive was because of keeping John's secret, right? If she just told the boys, maybe they wouldn't be mad. Maybe they would realize why she had kept it.

"Hey, Dean-" Emery started, before she realized they had arrived at where Haley was.

"Yeah," Dean turned to look at the girl.

"Never mind," Emery shook her head.

The three hunters crawled out of the Impala, Dean saying something, but Emery was too distracted to listen.

"You're Rangers?" The old guy, who was obviously the guide, asked.

"That's right," Emery mumbled, walking past Dean and Haley. The old guy looked her up and down, his eyes meeting her's. She shook her head, rolling her eyes at the man.

"And you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans?" Haley asked.

Emery watched Dean looked down at his attire before looking back up at Haley and narrowing his eyes. He shook his head, saying "oh, sweetheart, I don't do shorts," before walking forward, going to stand beside Emery.

"So, you think this is funny? It's dangerous backroad country out there. Her brother might be hurt," the guide said, and Emery didn't bother learning his name.

Dean looked at Emery, before turning back to the old man. "Believe me, I know how dangerous it can be. We just wanna help them find their brother, that's all."

The group of six then started making their way into the forest toward Black Water Ridge. Emery had found herself walking next to Dean, who had decided to wrap his arm around her shoulders. And magically, even with the terrain sloping up and down, he managed to keep it there. Emery leaned her head on his shoulder, almost actually falling asleep while walking, her tiredness taking that effect.

"You should've stayed at the motel," Dean whispered.

"And miss all the action? Don't think so, Winchester," Emery retorted, giving Dean a wide smile.

Dean rolled his eyes before he unwrapped his arm, walking forward a few paces.

"So, Roy, seems like you did a little hunting?" Dean then spoke up, and Emery heard Haley catch up to her.

"Are you and Dean dating?" Haley asked, looking at the brunette with a quizzical look.

Emery almost choked on her spit.

"Why would you think that?" Emery squeaked, voice high pitched.

That question definitely woke her up.

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