Sherlock: Thunderstorms

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Request for jackskellingtonrulz5


The boom came, awaking you from you slumber and startling you slightly. Your heart calmed once you realized it was just thunder. Another clap came, and you could've swore it was the earth around you crumbling. You laid in bed, awaiting thunder's companion. Finally the room lit up in brightness, and for a second everything was illuminated. But your vision returned to dark once more, milliseconds later. You wondered how much of the show you had missed, and you squealed in delight as another flash lit up your world. You covered your mouth quickly, hoping you hadn't woken up Sherlock. You glanced over, and realizing you couldn't see, felt around for his sleeping form. You came up empty handed, discovering that he was nowhere to be found, in the bed at least. Right on time a quick succession of bangs sounded from somewhere in the living room. You had no idea what he would be up to at - you checked your bedside digital - 2 in the morning. Groaning, you left the warmth of your sheets and padded out of the room in your bare feet.

More banging came and you walked faster out to the living room. Before reaching it however, you passed the kitchen - a mountain of tools formed on your counters caught your eye. What the, you thought as you entered what looked to be Santa's industrial workshop. 2x4s, nails, hammers, and a number of other unnameable tools littered every surface. A layer of dust covered the floor and you coughed as you inhaled a mouthful of it. You tried to find what project Sherlock was working on - you didn't even know he knew what a hammer was - and finally you spotted it. Behind the curtains that covered the kitchen window, a piece of wood stuck out, barely visible to the human eye. You crept closer, then ripped back the curtains. Wooden boards had been nailed so close together and a sliver of light barely shone through when lightning lit up the sky. More banging came from the living room, and you went to investigate. You hoped that the boarded up windows was just a hallucination and that by some miracle Sherlock was not doing that to all the windows. But, your hope was shattered.

You spotted him standing at the window in the living room. He stood tall, hammer in hand. He set another nail to the board and readied himself to do another round of pounding.

"Sherlock?" you spoke out unsteadily. He lowered the hammer and turned around to face you. He had a slight glow of sweat brooding on his forehead, and he looked out of place in his bathrobe. His hair was tossed around messily, a mix of bedhead and hard work.

"Oh morning (y/n), or should I stay late late evening?" He let out an innocent grin and you stepped closer.

"Whatcha doing?" you asked sweetly, reaching for the hammer in his hands discreetly so he wouldn't notice. He noticed, and moved his arm behind his back out of reach.

"Preparing," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Are you preparing for an alien invasion?" A clap of thunder sounded and you watched all of him shudder. He shut his eyes with such force you thought for sure he was in pain. Seconds after it ended, he glanced sheepishly at you then turned back around to continue pounding. You let him pound in one nail, then you interrupted again saying, "I didn't know you had a fear of thunderstorms."

"It's not a fear," he snapped. "It's an aversion to loud noises."

"Sherlock I just watched you beat a nail into a piece of wood and not move an inch." He turned and glared at you, then realizing he was out of nails, brushed past you angrily into the kitchen. You gave in, not wanting to upset him further, "Okay okay, it's an aversion." He stayed facing away from you and busied his hands. You sighed and moved to wrap your arms around him from behind. He froze. You rubbed your head against the soft fabric of his robe and felt his back muscles flex as he set down whatever he had been holding in his hands. You felt his body relax, like he had finally accepted defeat to his fear and let himself melt into your embrace. You didn't speak as he removed your arms from around him and marched ahead of you into the bedroom. You shut off all the lights in the flat, then followed after him. You walked in and he was already in bed, the covers pulled over his head. You climbed in and scooted closer to him; he was curled up in a ball so you spooned him, attempting to shape to his form. You two stayed in that position for quite some time and just when you were on the cusp of sleep, the thunder echoed through the sky one more time. Sherlock jerked, then spun around and rearranged himself so that his head tucked into the crook of your neck. His hair tickled your nose and you felt his rapid breathing warm against your skin. He shook slightly, so you started rubbing smooth circles around his back. Eventually he calmed and succumbed to sleep.

Your arm had fallen asleep in a crooked position, and you decided to move it seeing as he was asleep like a baby. You moved slowly so as to not wake him, but not slowly enough. He garbled and moved around, while in the process also tightening his arms around you. He had pulled you closer, so close you felt his heartbeat and his heavenly smell overtook your senses. His lips fell centimeters from your ear, and electricity shot through the small gap of space. In that moment you swore you heard thunder and saw lightning, but you realized it was just love reigning between the two of you.


Woohoo update. On a Tuesday.


Momma needs your help.

I need you guys to think of a really cute/fluffy Lestrade imagine that I can write. I have neglected him for awhile now... But my mind is blank. Please help yo momma.

And yes, I still have quite a list of requests to get through so if you haven't seen yours yet, don't worry! It's coming.

Thank you guys. For reading. For commenting. For voting. For being here today, at this moment, right here, right now.

You are loved.

I hope to see you all soon.

Much love my lovelies.




Random: No question is coming to mind so just tell me a random fact about yourself! Anything at all. I want to hear 'em!

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