Sherlock: The Crush

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John and Sherlock sat together in Speedy's, trying to think of a plan to catch their next prey - a 16 year old genius serial killer.

"I'm out of tea," complained Sherlock.

"Well the counter is right over there, go get some," suggested John, not looking up from his mess of papers. Sherlock stared at John, hoping he'd look up and see his sad face, then go get the tea for him. That didn't happen. Huffing, Sherlock stood from the table and made his way over. At the same moment he went to stand in line, another girl slipped in right before him.  He glared, confused, at the back of her head. He obviously was there first. Trying to be discreet, he sidled up next to her, and as the line moved forward, he maneuvered so that he was now in front of her, just off the left. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, I was in front of you." He turned around, his charming smirk painted on his face, he knew she wouldn't be able to resist. Instead, he noticed that her features were soft and gentle, but her stare dark and demeaning. He continued to take in every part of her in, all the way from her small feet with the toenails painted sky blue, to her angrily crossed arms, and finally to the top of her straight (y/h/c) hair. "Do you speak English?" she asked, annoyed at him.


"Well then you must have understood me when I said I was here first, and you just cut me in line." Sassy. He shook his head, trying to break out from the fog that covered his mindpalace to find the words to tell her that she was right. No, she's not right! What are you thinking?! You were here first. Not her. Do not let her control you.

"Actually, I was here first," whispered Sherlock rapidly under his breath.

"Try speaking louder and slower next time, then maybe I'll hear you and actually care." Dumbfounded, Sherlock stared with his mouth wide open. This girl, she left him, for once, speechless. What are you doing Sherlock? Get it together.

"No." She didn't turn around at first, just cocked her head slightly to the side. "No, I was here first," he tried again, his voice louder this time. She turned around slowly, and made eye contact with such force that Sherlock looked away under the pressure of it.

"Listen here geezer, I don't know what your problem is - maybe you can't see, maybe you can see, but you're just stupid, or maybe both - but either way, I was here first." The smirk, it seemed, had failed to work on her. Now left with no fighting power, he did what he could. He ran away back to John.

"Sherlock what was going on over there?" asked John.

"That girl. She, she was very rude John."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure she was the one being rude. She looks harmless Sherlock." Sherlock looked to where John was, and saw the girl chatting away with an elderly woman, laughing at something she had just said.

"Do not believe everything you see John. There is a monster hidden underneath all that fine skin." Fine skin? John did not know what to make of Sherlock's interesting observation of the girl, so he brushed it off as nothing. He continued reading the papers, occasionally glancing up and finding Sherlock still studying the girl, a range of emotions passing over his face.

"She's has a rather symmetrical lining of her face doesn't she John? Her bone structure is exemplary." John gaped up at Sherlock in shock. In all the years he knew him, he had never once heard him compliment a woman on her looks, even though he used high level science vocabulary to do so. "She doesn't seem to be afraid to stand up for herself either. Confidence." If John didn't know any better, he'd say Sherlock had a crush on this girl. But Sherlock Holmes doesn't get crushes, or girlfriends, or anything of that sort. Till now.

"Maybe you should go apologize, then start a conversation," suggested John lightly, trying to play matchmaker.

"Maybe you should stop eating the cookies your sister sent you, you're really starting to add on the pounds and you know how Mary feels about that." Well I didn't know how she felt till now. Sighing, John gathered all the strength and goodness he could find in himself, then tried again.

"Maybe talking to her would be a good thing. You seem to find her rather appealing, perhaps you should try." Sherlock remained still, but his eyes followed her movements. "Maybe it will help you lose your nervousness."

"I'm not nervous John," he snapped. "Silly girls don't make Sherlock Holmes nervous."

"But pretty girls do." Suddenly, Sherlock bolted from his seat and marched up to the mystery girl. When she saw him coming, she rolled her eyes, and he slowed down his brisk pace.

"I-uh-I just came to... came to say that I, yes I, uh," he froze as he finally looked at her straight in the eyes. His vocal cords stopped functioning, and he could feel a heat rising to his pale cheeks. She looked at him expectedly.

"I am uh, sorry, for earlier," he finally got out. She nodded her head, thanked him simply, then turned around. He didn't understand. Wasn't she supposed to ask me out or something? Grudgingly, he marched back to John and say back down.

"No luck?"

"It's not luck John. It's just human nature, nature just doesn't want us to be in communication."

"So you got rejected?"

"No, not rejected," stated Sherlock defensively.

"Okay, not rejected, she just ignored you and didn't talk to you. Yes, totally two different things Sherlock." As much as John was enjoying this, Sherlock was not. But, his mood took a turn for the better when the girl started walking his way. He sat up straighter, and panicked when he realized he didn't have time to fluff his hair. She approached their table, tea in hand, a smug look on her face.

"I just wanted to let you know," she started pointedly, talking specifically to Sherlock, "even the barista said I was in line first." Then she walked out of Speedy's, right out of Sherlock's grip. He stared after her in awe. Finally, getting his thoughts together, and in mere wonderment he asked, "Why do I feel an urge to go chase after her John?"


Awwwww Sherlock caught the feels. How funny that he finally liked a girl, and she didn't return those feelings.

So school started today. I will still try to update as much as I can. Y'all are high on my priority list. You guys and Sherlock. Forgive me if there are long pauses between updates, I will try to keep them coming at a regular pace, but I mean life is life.

Just gotta go with the flow
(fav quote by me)


I got another brilliant idea from onelifestand in her A/N, and this is kind of a branch off of that.

So, this is kind of a fun interactive game.

You guys try to guess where I'm from! And if you make a guess for me, I'll make a guess for you!

I just thought it'd be fun and I could talk to you guys some more. I really enjoy your comments.

Speaking of

4k?! Reads?! Can't believe it. You guys. Wow. So much love for y'all. Please keep commenting, voting, requesting, etc. It gives me motivation to write!

Alright, I bid you all a good night.

Unless you are in a different time zone, then good morning! Or afternoon. Either way,


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