Sherlock: Jealous... Again

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Request for FandomGirl_704


You pulled the light blue dress over your head, but froze when you realized you were stuck. In the mess of it all, somehow, your arms had slipped in between the wrong straps.

"Dresses should not be this hard to put on. It's like bloody rocket scientist," you spat out loud.

"Did you say something?" called Sherlock from the living room.

"Just talking to myself again!"

"Oh, just make sure you get it all out now, it's quite embarrassing when you do it in public." Groaning in frustration, you twisted and turned your body, trying to get your arms untangled in all the straps. What if I'm forever trapped in the dress like this? They'll have to cut holes in the dress so I can see and another hole so I can eat. And put some pants on me so that I'm not just wearing my knickers. "(Y/n)? Wh- oh." You mentally face palmed. You turned around to face what you thought was the door and your significant other. You didn't get a chance to glance at his face thanks to the mangled dress all over your head, but it didn't matter, your face burned anyway. Gently, two hands moved your arms around, pulling the straps here and there, and eventually putting the dress all the way down around you. You immediately looked down to smooth it out, avoiding eye contact at all costs. He didn't move though, only stayed there, standing right in front of you. Finally, you glanced up to find a deep smirk etched on his lips.

"They really should include an instruction manual for these things."


Sherlock had promised you a night out - he and John had been on a string of cases that had caused him to be gone all day, and awake all night and into the morning. The two of you hadn't spent more than 20 minutes together in a couple days and, believe it or not, you were getting separation anxiety. Yes, you missed Sherlock Holmes and all his madness.

"Just right here is fine," he commanded the cabby. You had no idea where you had been heading to, Sherlock had wanted to surprise you. At first you were hesitant, the last time he wanted to surprise you he took you to an abandoned mine and had a dinner set up. At first, it scared you. The darkness of the mine set a light panic off within you, but Sherlock had assured you it was completely safe. Then you felt a rat scuttle across your foot and you screamed and fell off your chair, in the process banging your head against the wall and ended up being knocked out. Thankfully, when you awoke, you found yourself in a pristine white hospital room that was rat free. Now though, you pulled up to a tall building decorated in twinkling lights, even from inside the taxi you could feel the warmth radiating from it.

Sherlock opened the door for you and held out his hand. You looked at him skeptically, it would be more normal for you to do that to him. Slowly, you reached out your hand towards him. You latched on and he gave you a weird look.

"My phone dropped out of my pocket, I wanted you to hand it to me." Grudgingly you reached behind you and grabbed for it, then stuck it in his hand. He immediately stepped away from the cab and walked towards the restaurant. What a gentleman.


Inside, you were seated to a two person table, covered in an angel white tablecloth with gold tinted silverware, and napkins made into origami swans. Sherlock inspected the napkins, then set them down.

"I've done better," he stated proudly. You rolled your eyes jokingly and looked at the menu.

"May I start you off with some drinks?" came a deep voice to your left. You looked up and was amazed. You had never seen any waiter make a tux look that... fitted. His light hair brought out his bright green eyes, and they smiled as he looked down at you. You blushed.

"Wine of the evening for two please," ordered Sherlock. The waiter wrote down the order, then glanced back up at you. Instantly, you looked to Sherlock, trying not to admire the waiter's beauty when you had your handsome boyfriend right in front of you. Dark curly hair, gotta love that stuff. Dark hair is better. Oh man and cheekbones. Cheekbones all the way.

"Anything more for you ma'am?"

"No," you squeaked. Blushing again, you looked up, the waiter caught your eye and winked, waltzing away to the kitchen. Cheekbones cheekbones cheekbones.

"So, you think he's attractive?" You choked on air, and gasped for breath. Sherlock was emotionless, studying his menu with the utmost seriousness.

"Well, I mean, he's, yes he's, in a way, sort of, attractive," you admitted in defeat, not sure how he would react.

"Very well."

"That's it? No jealous freak out like usual?" He crinkled his eyebrows as if to say "Jealous freak out? Do you even know me?"

"No, you were the one checking him out, not him to you. I know you're committed to me fully and I really have nothing to worry about, so feel free to check out all the men you want." Your mouth dropped open in surprise. But then you realized he was right. The only time Sherlock went into his jealous rampage was when the guy was the one being obvious. But how could he miss this waiter's obvious flirting? When Sherlock finally sees it he's going to flip... Two wine glasses were plopped on the table in front of you. You took a glimpse at Sherlock and noticed him smirking smugly, obviously enjoying your cherry red cheeks that grew in embarrassment as the waiter leaned towards you to pour the wine. Somehow, he was getting a kick out of this. A little twisted humor if you ask me. In nervousness, you grabbed for the wine and drank it all in one gulp.

"A little thirsty are we? Just for you, I'll pour a little more, free of charge," offered the waiter, sending another wink in my direction. This time, Sherlock caught it. Instantly, the smirk vanished from his face.

"You know (y/n), I was a waiter once." And the jealous freak out begins.

"You mean when you dressed up in a tux and surprised John that you were still alive?" His lips tightened and his jawline flexed, not happy with your unimpressed response.

"I was still a much better waiter than this boy."

"I've been a waiter for a couple years now sir," stated the waiter matter-of-factly.

"Well we have been dating for a couple years." Needless to say, Sherlock won the competition (which existed only in his mind), and you two got a new waiter.


Can I have jealous Sherlock please? Like cmon, is that too much to ask for?

So hey folks.

Almost to 2k views... I am amazed. Thank you so much for reading. It means the world to me. Really.

I'm kind of down on motivation for writing right now, I need to get back on my writer's high.

So I hope this didn't suck too badly. I think the hiatus is just really getting me down. Going to watch A Study In Pink in a couple days to help my sherpression (Sherlock depression) and refresh my Sherlock senses.

So I guess that's it


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