thirteen // spills and affection

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My eyes blink open. I inspect my surroundings. I'm still at the hospital. I look outside and see that the sun has set, casting darkness over us. I wonder how Romeo is. I want to be with him so I can make him feel less lonely. He always said he felt loneliest at night... if I was there, he'd be much happier. My eyes find the clock hung near the door. It's about 2 AM.

Max comes through the door to my room and smiles once he notices I'm awake. "You're still here?" I ask, my voice croaking slightly due to my tiredness. Max just grins in response, throwing himself into a chair. "You can go home, you know. I'm fine."

I feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen which causes me to wince. Max rushes to my side and puts a hand over my stomach. "You okay?" I nod, feeling slightly uncomfortable under his touch. He hasn't touched me like that before, and it's weirder now that we're not together. He withdraws his hand. "Your mom and Martin came over earlier, but you were asleep and they didn't want to wake you."

"Why am I even here?" I ask him. I hope he knows the reason.

"You had appendicitis, so you had an operation to get your appendix removed.. you don't remember taking the drowsy drug?" I shake my head, quite freaked out by the fact that I forgot. Max laughs. "I was just talking with Romeo, he's visiting his mom again. I can get him over here, if you'd like."

"I would love that," I reply sweetly, attempting to reach for my cup of water. Max helps me pick it up, but as I reach to take it from his hand, he pulls it away from me.

"The nurse said no strenuous movements," he informs me, raising his eyebrows. I scoff.

"It's only a small cup of water--" I try to argue, but Max is intent on making sure I'm okay. I like this new side to him. He would have never done anything like this while we were together.

"Shh," he whispers. He stares at my lips and runs his thumb along them. They begin to tingle like crazy. Someone enters the room.

"I can take it from here," Romeo says. I look and see him standing in the doorway. He seems tired, I mean, it is about 2 AM. My heart leaps at the sight of him. I didn't realise just how much I missed him until now. He grins tiredly as Max leaves my side and hands him the cup of water. "Thanks," he says. Max leaves.

"I missed you," I tell him honestly. He sits beside me on the bed, gently planting his lips on my forehead. He brings the cup of water to my lips and tilts it slightly so the water drains into my mouth. The boy's hand jogs, causing water to trickle down my chin. He chuckles lightly.

"Sorry," he murmurs. Placing the cup down on the table, he kisses my chin where the water spilled, then gradually up to my lips. I kiss him in return with the little energy I have. We keep it sweet, sensible and PG-13. He rests his forehead on mine. "I missed you too, petal."

I feel myself blush. Our short romantic time together is cut off by another sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I wince and hold my side, trying to ease the pain. Romeo's hand immediately moves down to my stomach, his thumb gently caressing it through the fabric of my hospital gown. I relax slightly. "I feel so helpless. I can't do anything on my own."

The boy grins at me, causing me to send him a confused glance. "The queen can't do anything on her own either. Hope that makes you feel better about yourself," he says comically, pulling a lock of hair behind my ear. I smile weakly and close my eyes, relaxing in the pillows. He strokes my hair soothingly until I feel completely drowsy. "Sleep tight, petal. I'll visit before school," he whispers as I feel his weight lift from the end of my bed. The door closes behind him. I fall asleep.


"Rise and shine, honey, I'm taking you home today!"

I blink my eyes open to see both of my parents standing before me, with Martin staring intensely out of the window. My mom has my clothes in her hands as she beams down happily at me. I try to smile at her, but I can't help but be disturbed by the fakeness of her expression. There's a tension in the room.

"What's going on?" I ask curiously, staring at Martin's turned back. My mom's smile falters, as her attempt to hide the ominous undertones in the room have failed.

My dad shakes his head angrily. "Drugs, Martin? How can I call you my son?" he barks with annoyance. He pulls on the hairs that grow from his chin. Mom gasps and shushes him quickly.

"Not now, Franklin! Stop that, both of you!" she exclaims, her lips tightening. I'm scared to breathe and restart the squabbling. "Sorry, dear, I'll get them out of here so they don't disturb you. Put on your clothes."

My family exits the room as I sit up on the bed. I dangle my legs off the side, and reach until my toes hit the cold hospital floor. I check the time, 9:57 AM. Romeo promised he'd visit. I sigh sadly, carefully slipping on my clothes. Mom enters the room again.

"Good, you're ready. Let's find a nurse and get you out of here."


Felt like uploading another chapter, just because. You're welcome guys.

— sarah xox

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