Chapter 16

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Being back in Cali left great. Now that the Warriors won the finals we don't have to travel as much. Which means that I can spend all the time in the world with my princess/princesses. Riley and Amiyah seen to get along great. The only thing is Stephen. He don't know about her. And for me catching feelings for Stephen fairly quickly I only think it is right for him to know that I have a kid. I kept this from basically everyone. I just really hope that' Stephen accepts that I have a kid and allow us to still move on.
Amiyah's birthday was yesterday and we did the whole day doing whatever she wanted. I planned on having Amiyah's and Riley's party together, but that's only if Stephen accepts the fact I have her and is willing to bring her in with me. So let's see how this goes!

"RILEY!" Little feet came running into the living room that I was currently in.

"Ri come play with Mimi while I go talk to daddy." Amiyah and Riley both smirked widely and I laughed getting up.

Lately I haven't been staying at the house. I've been staying in Casey's house while she has been with Klay 24/7.

I knocked on the gym door walking in. Stephen snapped his head my ways but I didn't see a smile. That caused me to become even more nervous. But he is probably just mad that I've been M.I.A.

"Hey champ." I hugged his semi sweetly body. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me tighter.

"Where have you been?" I sighed hardly. I looked up into the beautiful eyes that belongs to this beautiful man.

"That's exactly why I came here." I bit my bottom lip due to the fact that I was highly nervous.

"Oh ok let's go sit." We both sat on the bench as he grabbed a towel wiping the sweat of his forehead.

I honestly just wanted to cut to the chase. "I've been hiding something from you." I bit my lip so hard I thought I felt it cut.

Steph scratched his forehead squinting his eyes at me. "Was is it." He took a deep breathe braking eyes contact.

"I have a daughter." The room grew extremely silent. I felt knots in my stomach.

"Wait what? Did I hear you right?" He finally looked at me. His eyes were more brown than usually. Which I knew was probably not good.

"Stephen I didn't tell you because I didn't plan on sticking around this long when I received the job." I looked away from him starring at completely nothing.

"Why wouldn't you think to tell me something like this. You should have told me when I offered for you to stay in my house! How did you hide it for this long?"

He now forcing me to look into his eyes. I wasn't the one to really cry over every single thing or argument but I felt the tingling feeling in my eyes. I swallowed the big gulp in my throat allowing me to reply.

"Steph I-"

"HOW!" He closed his eyes,forming his hands into a fist. Stephen never acted out. Never came out of his character. I've never seen him this mad. And for some reason I don't know why he was this mad.

I quickly wiped the tear that had been threatening to fall for awhile. I looked him in his eyes, "can we talk about this sometime? Over dinner maybe?"

Him not answering me was basically my cue to leave.

I turned on my heel heading out the door. I just need him to calm down before I talk to him.

I buckled Mimi into her carseat as I heard the cries of Riley. I kissed Mimi's forehead shutting the door.

I walked back up the steps and picked Riley up giving her a big kiss on her check. "Ri I'm coming back soon. I pinky promise." I held my pinky out and she connected hers in mine.

"I love you Riley. Be good for daddy." She took the back of her hand whipping her eyes

"I love you too mama. I want you come back already." I chuckled slightly wiping her wet face.

"I know Riley, I'll come by tomorrow." Her face lit up with a smile. I gave her one last kiss before leaving the house.


"Oh my gosh Amiyah!" An attitude clear in my voice came out as I sat myself up on the bed.

As of right now it was 2:00am and I was trying to sleep. But Amiyah on the other hand I guess didn't want me to because she kept moving ever five seconds.

I grabbed my phone turning down the light due to the fact that it was all the way up and I was sitting in a pitch black room.

I ran my finger across his contact. As bad as I wanted to talk to him I was still unsure as to if he would answer. I know he's mad and all but I do miss him.

The bold side in me came out as I clicked his contact name.

"Hey" his face appeared onto my screen after three rings.

"Maleah you do know it's almost two thirty in the morning right?" He sat up into his bed rubbing his eyes

"You do know I'm sorry right?" A big sigh escaped his mouth as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm serious Stephen." A silence grew between us until he broke it.

"I miss you being here. You know that?" I bit the inside of my lip looking him in his eyes.

"I miss you too. I was just scared to tell you about Amiyah so when we got back I just took somethings and stayed at Casey."

"Where are you now?"


"Come home?"

I looked over at Amiyah who had calmed down in her sleep. I ran my fingers through her wild curly hair.

"Stephen I jus-"

"Come on. Riley cried herself to sleep because you left. She won't even sleep in her own room." He turned the camera onto the sleeping Riley.

"Life is so much harder around here with out you."

I sat quiet for a second. "So what your saying is that you need me?" A smirked appeared onto my face.

"Uh yeah I guess." I loved the way that he didn't want to admit that he needed me around. The whole look on his face showed that he was embarrassed.

"No need to be embarrassed."

I hung up the phone putting it back on the nightstand. I kicked my feet off the bed getting up. I walked over to the closet grabbing the bags that had me and Amiyah's things in them. I placed them at the end of the bed making my way to the bathroom grabbing our other belongings.

Once I grabbed all of our things I picked up the sleeping Amiyah putting her on my hip as she laid her head in the crook of my neck.

Throwing the bags over my shoulder I picked up my phone walking out the room. I tip toes down the stairs just incase Casey was home and sleeping.

I speed walked to the car placing Amiyah in the back in her car seat. I sat in the drivers seat starting up the car.

I honestly was slightly happy to go home.


Stephen walked back into the room after putting Riley back in her bed with Mimi. The bed slightly sinked as he came back to bed. He pulled me close to his body as his muscles snaked their way around me waist.

"I miss you Maleah...." I felt a few kisses be placed on my neck. A smile slowly creeped up onto my face.

"I miss you more."

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