Chapter 1

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I poured the heated up milk into my mug that said "#1 babysitter" plastered on the the white,blue,and yellow mug that I got from my little love bug Riley,how ironic of the colors considering her dad is a member of the Warriors,scratch that pretty much the face  of the Warriors ,I grabbed the coco packet out the box  ripping it open adding it to my milk stirring it,I then struggled to put the hot chocolate box back into the cabinet considering I'm very short

I looked out the window from the attic ,I can explain! I basically live in Stephen Curry's attic,Stephen has a 3 story beautiful house and since I'm the babysitter and Stephen is a very busy man he came to the conclusion that I would have to be around 24/7 for whenever he needs me so he turned his large attic into a little apparent for me ,he decorated it and all

I sat back in the chair in my room sipping on my hot chocolate and going through my timeline on Instagram when there was a knock at my door ,I put my mug down getting up,I opened the door to see non other then my boss,Wardell Stephen Curry

"Hello Mr.curry" I smiled peaking through the door "hello Maleah,I have to go meet up with Klay and I'm leaving in about 30 minutes so can you be down as soon as possible" he said as he tall body towered over me "sure mr.curry I just need to freshen up" he nodded in agreement soon turning his back to me walking back down the stairs ,I closed and locked my door

I rushed straight to the bathroom turning on my shower stepping in,I took a 15 minute shower stepping out walking to my room,I hurried putting a black nike shirt that said "NIKE" on it in white,with light grey leggings that hugged my butt must I add,and all black huarache Nikes,I then combed out my already flat ironed hair storming downstairs "look who decided to come" Stephen said as he sipped his water "sorry mr.curry" I say placing a fake smile on my face "no worries" he sent a warm smile my way "RILEY!!" Stephen called out to Riley since she was most likely in her room upstairs ,I heard her little feet go as fast as they could down the stairs  "dada-MALEAH!!" Riley yelled running into my arms,I picked her up as I hugged her kissing her forehead,you would think me living upstairs we would see each other everyday which we pretty much do but Riley just can't get enough yo me "hi my love bug" I said as I put her down "I missed youuuuu" she dragged out her words ,Stephen chuckled "you just seen her yesterday baby girl" Riley folded her arms looking up at her dad "sooooo" I chuckled "ok Ri let daddy go do what he has to do" she smiled wide "ok bye dada" Riley lifted her arms up and Stephen picked her up giving her a kiss "love you baby" Stephen smiled putting her down then making his way towards the door "um mr.curry I kinda forgot that I was suppose to spend time with my best fr-" is all I could say before he cut me off "just tell her to come over" he then walked out the door "hungry love bug?" Riley grinned "yeeeeessss" it was too early for this "ok Ri calm down" I chuckled walking to the kitchen with Riley hot on my tail

"So ms.Riley do you want pancakes,waffles,French toast?" She looked over at the waffle maker "chocolate chip?" I ask "yes I love chocolate" for a 2 year old Riley was really smart and knew somethings you wouldn't think a normal 2 year old would ,I started up with the breakfast chocolate chip waffles,bacon,and eggs,as everything was cooking I decided to call my best friend Casey

"Hello" she said answering the phone
"Hey best friend,I know we was suppose to hang out today but I have to watch Ril-" is all I could get out before she interrupted me
"No I get it do your job" I heard her annoyance in her voice
"Geesh Casey let me finish,Stephen just said come over the house I'll text the address love you bye!"

I hung up fast because I had to take my eggs out,the waffle was ready and as always Riley was getting into something "Riley wanna go watch Doc McStuffing " I asked trying to get her out the kitchen "yes" I picked her up bringing her to the huge living room putting on her show,I headed back to the kitchen finishing up the food putting it on plates,I then texted Casey the address

I set up Riley's food in her high chair then placed her in so she could eat


Me and Casey sat at the edge of the pool as Riley was in the water with her floaties "so you like working here" Casey said looking around the backyard "yea,I mean working with Riley is a handful but fun,the best part is the money" I laughed leaning back as the water hit me from Riley kicking her feet "why,how much you make?2,000?" She asked as she watched Riley "no more then that,a lot more thousands then that" Casey eyes widen "in a week?!?" I laughed at her shockness "yes" "what you make 4,000 a week!" "No" "5,000!" "Nope,A little bit more then that" she flipped her hair behind her back so I know she was gon say something crazy "girl shit I need to start babysitting fine basketball players kids " she said the funny part about it is that she was dead serious "hey no bad words" Riley said coming out of no where "she's sorry love muffin" I said "ok" Riley announced before going back to playing

Me and Casey sat there and talked for a while until I heard the the door to the back yard open,we turned to see non other then Stephen and Klay "hi Klay" I said flashing him a smiles ,Riley noticed her uncle making her way to the side of the pool,I picked her up placing her on the ground as she runned to Klay Thompson "UNCLEEEEEEEEE!!!" Riley yelled jumping into his arms "hello princess " he said holding her tight ,I looked over at Casey that had her mouth wide open I'm guessing at the sight of 2 basketball celebrities standing infront of us "Casey close your mouth" I whispered to her "Klay,Mr.Curry this is my best friend Casey,Casey this is my boss mr.Curry and his best friend Klay" I said introducing everyone "hello" Casey said staring at Klay,I nudged her arm because she was staring HARD! I guess Klay noticed because he laughed "hello Casey" Klay shot her a smiles "nice to finally meet you Casey" Stephen said smiling "oh and Maleah make sure your ready tomorrow are first game is at 9:00pm but the Warriors bus will come and get us at 7pm" Stephen said looking me straight in my eyes,I can't lie his eyes were beautiful and the more I looked into them the more my heart pumped and I got hot "uh-um yeah I'll be ready" I stuttered,I felt like an idiot "I know it's my eyes baby my eyes" Stephen smirked looking at me ... I'm guessing he caught my stuttering and stare,wait did he just call me baby!? No Maleah your tripping he didn't mean it like that


I kissed Riley on the forehead as I tucked her into bed "good night baby girl,love you" I said brushing her hair out her face "love you toooo" Riley smiled,I smiled heading out her room just to bump into someone "sorry mr.curry" I said moving out his way "it's ok,good night Maleah" I smiled "good night"

Is it ok for my first chapter? And my first ever Stephen curry story? Hope you enjoyed it , Maleah in MM

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