Chapter 12 {the pass catches up to you part 2}

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"So you got me the ticket for tomorrow?" I asked nervously "yes baby girl now get some sleep" I sighed "I can't,I won't be able to sleep until im there" I ran my fingers through my hair, I was so frustrated "I get it baby girl but get some rest before tomorrow,good night I love you" I smiled "I love you too"

I ended the FaceTime call placing my phone on the nightstand , I sighed as I laid my head on my pillow, I hope tomorrow ain't awkward or there's no tension in the room when they see me, I just hope they understand especially my mom


I sat down on the plane sighing it was only 3:30am , no I didn't tell Stephen I was leaving,yes I know he has a game today and Riley comes back today but today is way more important then my job

I laid my head back getting ready to sleep until I got a text, I looked at it then responded to it then closed my eyes


I seen the familiar black car and instantly smiled "Hi baby girl" he took me into a tight hug

I missed him so much,being in Cali took my time away from him "hey daddy" I smiled kissing his cheek "how's my  little princess" the 50 year old man said looking at me "I've been better" I smiled "well let's go" he said taking my bag

We got in the car and he pulled off , he was listening to his old school music as he whistled along to it "daddy?" I was looking at him as he stopped at a red light "yes?" He turned his head looking towards me "do you hate me? You know for what I've done? I promise you this is not how it was suppose to work out" I felt tears form in my eyes "no baby I don't hate you, I understand the decision you made, I get it, it's just that it didn't go as you planned, I do wish you came a little sooner, before all this happened,I just hope that once this is all over you do the right thing,do what's best for all of us, I don't mind if you go back to Oakland and continue your job just make the right choice,we both know what I'm talking about"

By now we was down the street from the house, I sighed placing my head in my hands a tears fell out "daddy I know, I was young and dumb! This is not how things was suppose to turn out" I tried whipping all the tears as we made it to the house "I know baby, I known" my dad rubbed my back then unlocked the door

I got out as my dad grabbed my bags ,we stepped into the houses that smelled of fresh baked cookies "I'll bring your things to your room" my dad said walking in front of me 

I walked into the kitchen seeing my mom cooking "uuuh hi mom" I said sitting down on the stool "mmmm now you decided to come" she said draining the noddles out into the sink

I was not going to sit here and get bashed by my mom for a decision I made! That wasn't suppose to be for almost 3 years , I hate myself already I don't need another person telling me how bad I fucked up

I stood up slamming the stool against the counter and walked out ,I don't need this right now , all I needed was some support

I walked into my room,my old room, I looked around,I miss being here when things were good

I sat down on my bed picking up the picture of us , I smiled at the memory as tears fell from my eyes hitting the glass cover,every time a tear would hit the glass I would wipe it away, I miss her, I need her

I placed the picture back down as I sniffled

My phone started ringing,I looked at it,Stephen

I sighed turning my phone off and placing it next to the picture

I laid in the bed closing my eyes, I need some rest


I woke up to the sound of my door opening, I look up to see my dad "you ready to go  to the hospital?" He asked leaning up against the door "yea let me just freshen up"

I got out of the bed walking to the bathroom but not before grabbing a towel and face cloth

I took a 15 minute shower then got out ,I walked to my room getting dressed in something simple

I put on a white crop top hoodie sweater they had 'just do it later' on it in black with black strings, ripped
Jean joggers , and black tims

My hair was down flat ironed and I had diamond earring in my ears

I grabbed my phone and bag and headed downstairs seeing my mom and dad sitting on the couch "I'm ready" I said tucking my hair behind my ears "ok let's go" my dad got up off the couch walking to my holding my hand "you ready?" I shook my head yes


I walked into her room, I felt my eyes get watery , I walked to the side of her bed sitting down, I was the only one in the room , I kissed her forehead "I'm so sorry" I said against her forehead

I picked up her hand rubbing it then gave it a kiss, I looked up and her eyes fluttered, her eyes open slowly

A big kool aid smile came across her face as she seen me

She sat up jumping into my arms "MOMMY!"

Well it looks like Maleah has a daughter!!!

Picture of Maleah's daughter in MM

Well some of yous guessed it!!!!

I know it's short sorry😬

How do you feel about this?

You will know about what happened in the next chapter😝

Tell me what you think🙌🏽🙌🏽

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