Chapter 9 {game 4}

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If you haven't noticed but I changed Maleah's age from 22 to 25 because I didn't really want them to be that far apart in age😝
I also in this chapter not going to use bold when I put what that are saying so comment and tell me if it looks fine with out the bold

Love all my readers😘💕

Hope you enjoy😝✌🏽️


Today was game 4 , I decided to make Stephen breakfast before we had to go to Cleveland's arena

I got out of the tight grip Wardell had on me causing him to move a little

I walked to the bathroom doing all my hygiene stuff

After I was done with that I went to the kitchen getting ready to cook

I was reading the side of the pancakes box to see how much water I needed to add


I looked down to see a crying Riley, I bent down to her level picking her up placing her on the counter "what's wrong baby" I whipped the tears rolling down her cheek " I had a bad dream that daddy got hurt,really really bad"

I sighed placing my hand softly on her cheek "you want to know something?" She looked up at me in my eyes "what?"

"Daddy is a warrior you don't have to worry about him getting hurt,your daddy is a very strong man okay?You know what else?" She gave me her undivided attention telling me to continue "if your last name in curry you was born a warrior,born strong"

A big kool aid smile came across Riley's face "my last name is curry!" I chuckled "I know baby girl" I kissed her cheek "want to help me make breakfast?"

She shook her head uncontrollably fast saying yes , I chuckled


"WOAHHH!!!!!!!! LETS GO STEPH" I yelled as Stephen made a 3

I picked Riley up in the air as she yelled out to her dad , he turned his head smiling at us

The the cavaliers fans got quick,I laughed at them and a fan next to me got mad, haha bitch you mad?

I sat back down and Riley climbed into my lap "you know daddy is going to win this right" I said to her smiling she smiled back up at me "yes,because he's a Warrior" I chuckled nodding my head 


"WARRIORS!!WARRIORS!!!WARRIORS!!!" The Warriors fans yelled at the buzzer went off

WE WON!!!!!

I yelled in happiness as I picked up the sleeping Riley

The cavs fans where so quiet during the whole game that Riley got to sleep with out being disturbed

The fans started to leave but I sat in my seat so I wasn't bombarded by Warriors fans that love Riley and so I could just up and leave

I kissed Riley forehead , she opened her eyes "did daddy win?" She asked coughing "yes he did baby" I smiled kissing her forehead again  as she closed her eyes going back to sleep

I chuckled at how fast she fell back to sleep and got to heading to the Warriors locker room

I could hear them yelling and celebrating before I even reached the door

As soon as I opened the door they seen the sleeping Riley and calmed down

I walked over to Stephen giving him a tight hug as Klay was holding Riley "you did it!" My grip on him got tighter as his did too causing my feet to get lifted off the floor

He kissed my cheek "I know,we did it,we're going to win this" he semi whispered in my ear as a huge smile crept across both of our faces

We finally let go and I hugged Klay taking Riley back "I'm going to go shower" Stephen said picking up his towel and clothes "good cause you stink" I said making a stank face

Stephen smacked his lip holding my chin as he looked into my eyes "I got something to tell you" he said stirring into my eyes harder

My palms where sweating so bad Riley could slip out my hands "what" I smiled

He put him armpit in my face and started laughing "stop hating" he stated then walked away

I now this nigga did not just clown me , I KNOW he did not just pkay me

I felt stupid so I sat down and quietly stared at my sleeping angel in my arms

Riley Elizabeth Curry

I sat there with Riley for about 15 minutes until Stephen came out

When I seen him a rolled my eyes at him and she smirked, asshole

After Stephen was dressed I followed him out the locker "I got a interview with Andre you coming?" He asked looking down at me

Where else was I going to go?

"Mmmm I'm coming" I rolled my eyes following him

He made his way into the room but I just sat outside with Riley until he was done

(A/N:the video of the interview is in the mm because I didn't  feel like typing it out)

After his interview we went back to the hotel

I was so tired that I just put the already sleeping Riley to bed and got in the bed with her falling to sleep

Sorry it's shorter then what I usually write but yesterday was my birthday so I didn't have time to write and then today I didn't really feel like writing so I just wrote a little

The BabysitterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora