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Rue kept glancing at the pool house where Xana and her friends were changing and laughing. She hated having to hang out with them. All they spoke about were boys and boobs. Hers hadn't grown like theirs. She hated how they teased her, and worse was the unflattering swimsuit she had on. It was a size too small and made her chest look even flatter. Additionally, she didn't have a two-piece bikini like the other girls; her father had refused.

"Why are you here all alone?" She turned to the voice of Mr. Fox, who was dressed in a white wife beater and a pair of beach shorts. He was always around when the girls hung out.

Rue blushed; she couldn't tell him her fears, even though he constantly assured her she could trust him.

"Those girls don't like me," she confessed.

"How can they not?"

"I don't fit in," she admitted.

Mr. Fox lowered his body until he was seated beside her, mirroring her posture and legs inside the pool.

"What would make you feel like you fit in?" He asked.

Shrugging her shoulders, she replied, "I don't know, a bigger chest," letting the words slip out.

He glanced at her and smiled. "Oh, Rue,"

She grew tenfold embarrassed that even Mr. Fox, like the girls, was laughing at her. She quickly sprang up, and he did the same, following her action.

"Tell Xana I will see her at school," She was about to take a step forward, but he stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"Come, let me show you," He took her hand and dragged her with him towards the main house.

She silently followed him and wondered what he had on his mind. He took her to his bedroom. There was nothing unusual about it. She had once hidden here while they played hide and seek with Xana, and Mr. Fox was okay with it.

He took her to his bathroom and let her stare at her reflection in the mirror. She was caught off-guard when his hand removed a strand of hair on her face. "Just look at how beautiful you are," He said behind her. She didn't see it. She followed his hand's movement until it settled on the swimsuit strap and gently pulled it, followed by the other shoulder.

Rue sucked in a breath as he continued to pull until her small breasts were in sight. She felt that it was wrong, but she trusted him. He could never harm her, nor would he harbor bad intentions towards her.

She caught his eyes in the mirror, studying her. "Those are beautiful, and as a doctor, I assure you that they will grow. Just be patient," he said, starting to lift the costume to cover her.

She sighed, knowing she could trust him.

He walked out, leaving her alone in the bathroom, confident that someday she would be like the other girls.

She wished she weren't like the other girls. She always thought that she was special to him, but the longer she stared at the screen, the more nausea she felt.

There were countless photos and videos staring back at her. She was in some of them; others belonged to some of Xana's friends, and the rest were of strangers.

Had everyone seen this? Her face was everywhere.

"The police are opening a case for him and his friends. My uncle Jim is a detective," Tony said.

Rue still couldn't believe that Mr. Fox would record her when they had sex. And the worst part was that it was recent. It had started a long time ago. He had been recording Xana's friends at the pool house as they changed and uploading it to a secret channel.

Finally, she couldn't hold herself back and hurled at the nearest trash can, throwing up.

Tony stood and brought her a bottle of water. She took it and drank two sips.

"I can't watch it anymore," she told Tony. What she meant was that she wished she could go back in time and just hold on to those minutes before her life crashed. How could he? She had no answer other than the guilt of trusting him.

"I am sorry, don't blame yourself; you are just a victim," Tony said.

"Victim?" Rue didn't think of herself as a victim. She pursued him.

"Does Xana know?" Rue asked.

Tony shook her head.

"Please don't tell her," Rue didn't want her friend to be hurt. She trusted her father too much for her own good.

"She will know sooner or later," Tony said.

Rue knew that, but she needed time to prepare her friend. "I will tell her," Rue answered.

Tony observed her for a second. "Oh my god, the twins," she muttered.

"It is hard, but they are better off without that man."

"I want to go home," Rue requested.

"I will drive you," Tony offered.

He checked his pockets for his keys, and when he found them, he hesitated and turned to her. "In two days, he will be arrested. Don't confront him," he warned.

Rue nodded, even though she knew she was lying.

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