Chapter 103: little devils

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"Congratulations! You have two healthy baby boys!"

Shock registered on Diego's face.. of course he wasn't expecting it.

"What did they say?" Candy's weak voice bought back his attention. She couldn't hear them earlier due to exhaustion.

"Bring them over" He demanded from the nurses and the twos boys was handed carefully to him. His eyes teared up as he stared at the two blessings.

This is his first time holding children.. they are his. Never had he thought a day like this would actually come.

"W..we have twins" His voice trembled due to excitement. "And they are both boys" he laughed lightly.

Candy chuckled, her weak hand reached to each of them. They look a lot like Diego.. so beautiful.

Jameson was scrolling through Yazmine and Aiden's wedding picture. Those two look so good together.

Aiden had quited the secret agent in order for his bride safety. At the moment they were on their honeymoon.

Remembering something, he pulled a long face. He haven't seen her today even at lunch.. just how busy she is all day?

"Miss Jackie"

Jackie raised her gaze up from the system answering the woman in white and black office attire.

"You're called by Mr. James"

Jackie nodded dropping whatever she was doing. Today had been a really busy day. A new contract was given to their team. Through the elevator, she reach his office in no time.

Knocking gently on the door, she heard him approve her coming in.

Opening the door she found Jameson resting his back on the table behind him. His arms was folded and his face look displeased.

"You called" Jackie stated feeling a bit concerned about his look. Have she done any mistake?

"Why haven't you visited?" He asked approaching her with slow steps. Jackie blinked severally.

"I.. was busy.. but we saw each other this morning when you arrived" Jackie stated.

"We only said good morning to each other. I didn't see you during lunch and you never came to check up on me like you use to. Even when I came, you were in your office throughout.. I badly wanted to kiss you in there but you don't want anyone to know about use yet" Jameson pouted and Jackie rolled her eyes. This guy.

"This is a working place.. we can't..."

Jameson pulled her close and slam his lips against her. He kissed her hard making sure she was out of breath before releasing her.

"Mind the word you say sweetie. You're mine everywhere" Jameson whispered and then smiled innocently.

Jackie was all red got back to her sense.

"Mr. Ja... I mean babe, I'm sorry but.." She corrected and Jameson smirked. "I have a lot on my table"

"Gosh those people are stressing you out again" Jameson muttered and went to take his phone. He dialed a number and then instructed. "Jackie will be running an errand for me. Give her work to someone else... Don't but me and do what I asked"

He dropped the phone and Jackie lips fell parted.

"What did..."

"We are going on a date" He said holding her hand dragging her out of the office.

"We can't keep doing this every..." Jackie paused when the man gave her a look. She knew better not to complain. "I mean great, let's go on a date"

Jameson chuckled and held both of her cheek. She look so cute on her white and black office attire.

"I just want to make you feel better" He stated staring at her with affection.

"Hmm.. honestly I needed a break" She said with a beautiful smile.

"Where should we go?" He asked.

"How about a movie?" She squealed. He kissed her lips with swift move.

"I was thinking the same" Jameson stated and the both left.



"Alex?.. Andrew?" An old maid worried pace around the large hall, her eyes darting around worriedly.

"Gosh where did those two go? I only left them for a minute. Boys where are you?!" She made her voice come out louder.

Just then, she heard the some of piano come from a particular room. It was pleasant that it drew her attention.

She walked towards where the music was coming from and peaked through the key hole. She saw one of the boys she was looking for.

Opening the door, the music abruptly stopped.

Diego and his children shifted their gaze to her. The boys look so much like him.. they were like his carbon copy and they are sitting on each lap of Diego.

"I'm sorry to disturb. I was looking for the boys"

"Oh.. I" Diego made to speak but one of the boys spoke instead.

"We wanted to hear dad play a piano" Andrew said with a cute smile. He is the youngest twin.

"I found his childhood picture. He was with a piano. Sorry if we had worried you Mrs. Katerina" Alex spoke this time. His words mostly get people wondering if he is really four.

"They are fine with me. I'll bring them downstairs for dinner" Diego stated and the maid bow leaving.

"How do I look?" Old Mavis asked stepping out before Candy. He was dressed in a nice suit. He is meeting some of his old friends..

"Fantastic Grandpa!" Candy exclaimed and he smiled. However it dropped when she continued. "I'm just a little a worried"

"About what dear.. is it my tie?" Old Mavis asked worriedly.

"No.. I'm worried those young ladies might steal you away" Candy said and Old Mavis burst into laughter. Candy joined him.

"Let's go have dinner before you leave and please do not stay long out there" Candy instructed as she led him downstairs.

"Of course sweetie. I always listen to you" Old Mavis chuckled.

Diego was already downstairs, when he saw the old man laughing with his wife, he raised a brow.

Seeing this, Old Mavis scoffed. "I'm not stealing your wife. Make that face of yours loose" He said walking to take his seat.

Diego held his wife face, caressing her cheek.

"I hope this old man is not stressing you" He said.

A potato hit Diego's back immediately. It was Old Mavis who threw it.

"Punk" Old Mavis cursed. Diego and Candy chuckled.

"Great grand father, what's the meaning of punk?" Andrew asked the old man whose face dropped.

"It's a word you shouldn't say to anyone at your age" Alex answered instead.

"Oh.. so when I grow up.. I can call you punk?" Andrew asked and Alex looked at him. He blinked several times before they both giggled. "I was just teasing great grand father.. of course I know the meaning of punk"

"Mother" Alex called and Candy attention drew to him. "You look so beautiful"

Candy chuckled and felt blessed having these two adorable little ones. "Thanks sweetie"

"You're sweet too mother" Andrew said this time around.


"You're lovely and kind and generous" Alex said again.

This time Diego stopped eating and looked at the two little devils.. he saw the small smirk on their face as the spared a glance at him.

"When I grow up, I wish to have a wife like you" Andrew said and Candy laughed lightly.


"Yeah mom.. you're just the best"

Old Mavis chuckled knowing what these two were doing. Diego is now facing his little self.. not one but two.. this was just so cute.

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