Chapter 19: Sweet touch

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Candy was stun for a moment but she drifted into the pleasure of his lips moving on hers. It wasn't rough like the ones they had but gentle.

Pinning her against the wall, Diego dive his tongue into her mouth. Candy traced her hand up to his hair, her tongue playing with his.

He wanted more, the taste of her lips was messing with his brain. He had never go slow on a kiss before but right now, he is doing it and can't seem to stop.

He slide his right hand down to her tiny waist drawing her close to himself, while the other held her head in place. Their lips burn as it moves against each other, Candy moan into his mouth. She got immersed by his sweet touch, she then press herself against him.

After savouring each other's lips for a while, Diego broke the kiss. His chest heaving gently, as he slowly opened his eyes to look at her.

Candy's eyes opened too, and their eyes met. She never knew he could have this gentle side of him.

Staring at her closely, Diego slowly come back to his senses. He immediately disconnected himself from her and frowned hard.

Candy face was replaced with confusion.

"What the hell?" He mumbled as if confused by his own thought.

" do" She didn't finish her word when the man walked away.

Candy breath out hard. Why does he look like he was irritated by what just happened?

Is he ever going accept her?

Diego marched towards his car and head straight to a hotel room. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Lava Hostel, meet me there right now" He said and dropped his phone not waiting for the person's reply.

In a while, Diego was sitted in a hotel room. The door slowly open and a woman dressed in a slutty gown walk in.

Diego stood, his eyes staring blankly at her.

"Mr. President must have missed me so much" She grin, stepping closer. Letting go of the long jacket hanging on her shoulder, her red lingeries was revealed.

Diego recalled on how, Candy look good on her red dress.

"How do you want me to pleasure you my Lord?" She asked.

"I just need to confirm something" He stride fast towards her, held her neck and draw her close to himself. His lips slamming against her.

The woman hungrily moved her lips against his and he broke the kiss immediately.

"Gentle" He ordered, causing the lady's brow curved down a little.

Returning his lips on her, Diego tried to find it.. the feeling he had when he kissed Candy..

But there was none.. it was just plain.

He even went ahead, trying to touch her but no avail. Breaking the kiss, his jaw clinched hard and he stepped away from her.

"Get out" he ordered.

"What, but I just got..."

"I said get the fuck out!" He growled. The woman didn't need to be told twice. She grab her jacket and left.

"What's wrong with him?" She mumbled after she got out.

Diego stared outside the huge window, the cool breeze hitting his skin as he took a deep breath.

'The number you dialed is switched off' Natalie groaned as she dropped down her phone.

She had been trying to reach Vortex, in order to know how far he had gone with Candy.

"I hope they remember not to kill her. That bastard is a monster when it comes to sex" Natalie muttered. Her lips curved up into a dark smile knowing she was close to her victory.

The door of her office opened and Kelvin walked.

"Boss is on the phone" He said handing a phone over to Natalie.

"Vortex?" She called.

"Yes it's me"

"What happened? I've been trying to reach you" She said.

"Sorry my love, I lost my phone due to some issues. You know, gangsters shit" Changing phone isn't a new thing to Vortex.

"How is it going over there?" She asked.

"It's going well. She had just stop screaming. I had made sure my men go hard on her. She'll get pregnant in no time" Vortex replied.

"Good" she smirked.

"What about our deal Natalie?" He asked.

"I haven't forgotten about it, can't you be patient?"

"C'mon, you know how hard I've been craving for this. Come to stallion hotel tonight. I'll be waiting for you" He said and end the call before she could reply.

"Is he crazy?" Natalie lips parted with disbelief. Is this man serious right now?

She exhaled through her lips.

"Get me to Stallion hotel" She need to get this over with.

Meanwhile, Jameson sat with some men behind him in a not so dark room. Before him was Vortex all tied up with scratches all over his body.

"Wow you must be so good with acting huh? I almost fell for your lies even when you are right before me" Jameson said advancing Vortex. He tapped him by the shoulder, a mocking grin on his face.

"I badly want to punch you in the face but I can't. You should look good while going to meet her"

Vortex slowly nodded, holding his cries in.

"Remember what I told you if you mess up.."

"You'll cut me piece by piece" Vortex competed it.

"Oh not me young man. The devil himself is going to deal with you. Trust me, I've withness some and I couldn't handle the scene. He's so brutal when it comes to people like you" Jameson whispered, sending a chill down his spine.

"Prepare him for the night" He ordered the men behind him and walked out of the place.

Pulling out his phone, he dialed Candy's number.

"How did it go?" Candy's gentle voice sounded at the other side.

"Hmm.. it went well. How did you know there is something like this between Vortex and Natalie?" Jameson asked curiously.

"When I was kidnapped, I saw the way Vortex stared at Natalie. It show he wanted her. Especially when he held her hand for a moment and Natalie immediately remove them. The grin on his face shows they had slept together once before and definitely would do it again"

Jameson smiled ear to ear hearing her explanation.

"You deserve an award Candy" He remarked and Candy chuckled.

"When are you coming back?" She asked.

"Soon, did you miss me?" He asked.

"I missed how you do pay for my meal" she joked and they both laughed again. After talking for a while Jameson decided to end the conversation.

"I'll see you soon bye" Jameson said. Turning around, he saw Vortex all dress. His right hand has white bandage wrapped around it.

"Wow, you look handsome" Jameson complimented and Vortex clinched his jaw.

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