Mikael Meowers (part 2)

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"So you're saying... you want us to explore a killer's home and record everything?" My friend says while gripping their nose.

"Yup." Jake replies.

"Please tell me this is Y/n's idea..." My friend sighs.

"Hey! I might be stupid but not even I would come up with- Well, actually that does seem like something I'd come up with." I shrug.

My friend groans, "Like hell we're gonna do that during Halloween! That's fucking stupid!" My friend shouts.

"But you never do anything fun with usssss!!!" Molly shakes my friend.

"C'mon, everyone's gonna be watching! It'll be a blast!" Lauren says excitingly.

"Hm... I'm kinda skeptical about this.. I mean the last time I went to Myers' home, I absolutely got pegged." I tell them.

"What the fuck? And I wasn't there to watch?" My friend says shook.

"..." We stare at each other and then start laughing like crazy.

"...what the fuck?" Jake tilts his head confused and concerned.

"No but seriously... I don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell you this.. We are going to fucking die if we go in that house!" My friend shouts.

"Well.. it'll be a quick one and plus! We won't be alone!" Molly nudges my friend.

"Did you actually get pegged...? And by who..?" Lauren whispers to me making me sigh.

"By Michael Myers." I huff and cross my arms.
(It didn't actually happen, Y/n's just talking out of their ass)

"I don't- I don't even know why I'm friends with you guys..." My friend sighs.

"Yayyy!!! We're taking that as a yes!!" Molly jumps up in excitement.

"Alright Y/n, get the camera." Jake says.


Finally night time and me, my friend, Molly and Lauren ventures into Michael Myers' house.

"Where the hell is Jake?" My friend questions.

"He's watching the camera back at the party." Lauren tells my friend, "That fucking wimp..." My friend tugs on the camera on their shirt, "So this is recording everything right?"

Molly nods, "Yup! Make sure to not take it off! Who knows? Maybe your murder will be captured on camera!" Molly says in a spooky tone while doing some weird hand movements.

"Yeah right." My friend pushes Molly's head, "Hey Y/n, you done setting up the room cameras?!" My friend shouts from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah! All done here!" I shout from one of the rooms, I make my way down to the rest of my friends.

"Alright! Let's go explore! Me and Molly, Y/n and you, yeah?" Lauren points at my friend, "Whatever, at least we're not alone." My friend hits Lauren's hand away.

Me and my friend goes one way while Molly and Lauren goes the other way.

"Can't believe I'm actually doing this as a form of entertainment for some drunk kids at a party..." My friend mutters, "Let's hope we don't die and that this will be one interesting incident." I say.

"Whatever..." We head into the kitchen.

"I don't see what's so fun about this..." My friend tugs on the camera, "You guys seeing this? Amazing isn't it?" My friend says sarcastically.

I take out my phone and input my earbuds.

"And take that shit out! You need to stay alert and aware." My friend snatches my earbuds.

Let's be real, slashers wouldn't let Y/n slide.Where stories live. Discover now