Michael Myers (Halloween)

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Obviously the first chapter has to be the iconic white man.

"Hm... is the party here...? This looks haunted as shit." I look at the house in front of me, you would think a party would be loud, but it's so silent.

Meh, it's probably some sort of surprise! I enter the house in front of me and look around.

"Where is everyone? Did I seriously get the wrong address...?" I take out my phone and dial my friend's number.

"Where you at bitch?" -Besto friendo

"What? I'm literally at the place and no one's here!" I say in an annoyed tone, "Dude, what are you talking about? You ever stop to think that if no one's in the house, that you're at the wrong house? Stupid." My friend sighs.

"Hey! I thought it was gonna be a surprise! Or something like that..."

"You... ugh forget it... where are you right now?" My friend questions, "I'm at uh... XxXxXx." I tell my friend and then they became quiet.

"Y/n get out of there now!" My friend shouts through the phone, making me jump, "W-what? Why?" I start getting nervous.

"That's Michael Myers' house! Get the fuck outta there before you get the shit stabbed out of you! Fuck, someone definitely set you up! LEAVE!" My friend screams.

"Alright alright! I'm-" I hear footsteps behind me and quickly turn around, "Woah!" I see a big figure towering over me, he was wearing a mask.

He rips my phone from my hand and throws it behind him, "Y/N?!" I can hear my friend shouting from my phone, "I'M FUCKED I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL!!" I scream before running away from Michael.

I run into the kitchen where I trip and fall, I hit my head on the ground making me groan, "Ugh..." I regain my focus and see that Michael was standing above my head and was ready to put his knife through my head.

I move out of the way and stand up, I grab a pan from the hangers and smack it across his head, "Bitch! Seeya!" I run to the front door and try to open it.

"What? Oh, it's locked. HOW?! ISN'T THIS THE INSIDE?!" I rattle the door knob and kick it, when that doesn't work I run up the stairs and see that Michael was still chasing after me. He was walking and he still somehow caught up to me. Bruh.

I run into a room and close the door which didn't last long cause this man is inhuman so he just basically phased through the door.

"Wait! I... you don't have to do this okay? I will get down on my knees for you to not kill me." I start spilling crap, "..." Michael just stares.

"I will literally marry you if it means that I get to live! I love big masked men anyway!" I give him a thumbs up.

"..." He walks towards me.

"..." I stand there not really knowing what else to do.

"..." He stops walking and keeps his distance from me.

"...?" I awkwardly stand there.

".........." We just kinda stand in front of each other for a bit, but I decide to break the silence.

"So you wanna suck my dick or should I suck yours-"


And that's how Y/n died. Well, the first Y/n.

Let's be real, slashers wouldn't let Y/n slide.Where stories live. Discover now