Ghostface (Scream)

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What's your favorite scary movieeeee???

I was heating up some popcorn until I heard my home phone ringing, I pick it up.

"Hello.." I hear a voice from the other line, "Hi?" I reply while leaning on the counter.

"What are you doing?" The man questions, "Nothing, just chillin, killing." I answer.

"Huh? ...anyway. What's your favorite scary movie?" The man asks.

"Oh the first one for sure! It's hilarious!! And it has
iconic lines! Like the run bitch run!" I laugh.

"No! I meant an actual horror movie, not the parody!" The man says annoyed.

"Oh. Well... I've actually been watching iconic slasher movies... and I like all of them. But uh.. I think... hm. Geez, shit. I don't know!" I scratch my nape.

"Choose one." The voice says in an angry tone, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre I guess." I shrug.

"Good decision.. now, why don't you check outside your backyard?"

"Okay." I look at the backyard through the window. I see my friend tied to a chair.

"Okay? Anything else?" I sigh, getting a bit bored.

"What? Why aren't... okay nevermind. Why don't we play a game? If you answer correctly, I'll let your friend go. If you get it wrong, they die."

"Sure." I reply, "...I'll be asking you some questions. You better get it right or else..." The voice says, I could feel it smiling.

"Who's the character with a metal plate attached to their head?"

"Choptop." I take the popcorn from the microwave.

"Correct! Well, that was just the warm up question..." The voice doesn't say anything after that, almost like he's waiting for me to have a reaction.

"Are you gonna ask any more?" I eat some of the popcorn.

"...yes. I will. First question: what's the name of Babi's doll in the 3rd movie?"

"Sally, probably a reference to the final girl from the 1st movie."

"..huh, correct. Second question: What are the 3 names of Leatherface?"

"Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Brown Hewitt, and Jedidiah Sawyer."

"Huh- uh right, yeah that's actually correct. Last question... how many people were killed with a chainsaw in the 2nd movie?"

"Surprisingly, only 1 person was killed with a chainsaw in the 2nd movie."

"Uhm.. you got it all correct. Alright, I'll let your friend go, but this won't be the last time you hear from me." Then the call ends.

I go outside and see my friend still tied to a chair, I rip the tape from their mouth, "Damn, that stupid dude with a mask kidnapped me and tied me to a chair." My friend sighs.

"Yup. I can tell." I untie my friend from the chair, "I just saved your ass, so you owe me!" I smirk at my friend.

"Hah! Yeah whatever!" My friend pats themself down, "Well Seeya." My friend waves goodbye and leaves my backyard.

"What the fuck?" Ghostface whispers as he watches from afar.

"I guess that's that." I head back inside the house, I grab the popcorn from the counter and sit on the couch. I turn on the TV and start eating the popcorn while watching.

Suddenly the phone rings again, "Ughhh..." I groan and pick up the phone, "Why can't you just let me watch TV and eat my popcorn?!" I ask annoyed.

"You aren't taking this as seriously as I want you to!" The same voice shouts. Suddenly the lights turns off, "Huh?" I look around. The TV turned off.

"You stupid bitch! How the hell am I gonna watch TV now?!" I yell, "I don't give a fuck what you want! Turn the electricity back on!" I stomp on the ground.

"Whiny bitch." The voice comments, "...wannabe killer." I reply.

"...I'm in your house."

"What a lame move to pull. What else? You in the closet?" I scoff.

"Why don't you check?" The voice replies.

"You gay? It's fine, I support." I put my hands up, "What? No! I am in your house! You don't actually know if I'm in your closet or not!" The voice shouts.


I hang up the call and go to the closet where I heard the voice, "What the- Hello?? Hello??" The voice taps his phone.

I open the closet door, "Nice to finally meet you in person." I hold my hand out, "GRAH!!" Ghostface lunges at me and tries to stab me.

I back away, "What are you doing?" I grab the lamp behind me and smash it in his face.

"Oomph!" Ghostface falls backwards into the closet.

"Erm.. whoops." I close the closet door and Ghostface tries to break it down, "Stop that! My parents are gonna be pissed off if they find the broken door! Shit!" I hold the door so that it doesn't break.

"Humph!" Ghostface barges through the closet door, breaking the door in the process and lands on top of me.

"Hehe, hey~" I smile and he tries to slice me but I kick his stomach and get the fook outta there.

I run upstairs to my room and shut the door, "Okay let's see..." I look through my drawers and see my phone lying on my bed, "Oh right, the police." I grab my phone and dial 911.

I notice that Ghostface stopped banging on my door, "Hm? Bro why are the police not picking up-" As soon as I said that, the knocking and banging on my door continued.

"Dude..." I groan and try dialing 911 again, "Hello? What's your emergency?" The operator asks.

"Yeah, there's a killer chasing after me. Think you can bring someone to check it out?" I tell the operator, "Address please, I'll send someone right away!" The operator replies.

I tell them my address, "Stay put, don't make a move on the killer." The operator tells me.

"Oh... yup, got it." I sweat drop, "He's actually gone now. I think calling the police scared him away." I say, "Still, don't go anywhere. He might be waiting for you." The operator says.

"Thank you for the help officer." I end the call and open the door to my room, "Oomph!" I get kicked in the stomach and fall back into my room.

"I suppose I'll leave the police a surprise..." Ghostface says with the voice changer, "Geez, that hurt. Ah- wait wait!" I sit up, "The operator told me not to make a move on you, but..." I stand up, walk towards Ghostface and kabedon him, "Hey~" I smile.

*stab stab stab*

"Ow!" I hold my stomach and step back, "You must be fun at parties..." I say sarcastically, "Enough!" Ghostface tackles me to the ground and continues to stab me and slice me up.

I cough up some blood.

"Ugh... that was so fucking hot... phewww." I exhale.

"Why are you- actually how are you still alive?" Ghostface tilts his head, "Plot armor. Hey, why are you trying to kill me anyway? I answered your questions correctly!" I exclaim.

"Because you pissed me off!" Ghostface slices my arm, "Ouch! Okay okay! But take off your mask for me. I'm gonna die anyway might as well see who's after me." I shrug.

"...absolutely not."

"Then a kiss?"

Ghostface quickly stabs my neck making me bleed out, "I guess that's a.. no... bleh." And so I died. Again.

"What a psycho.." Ghostface cleans his knife and walks away.

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