The Spoils Of War

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[Highgarden - The King's Road]

The road leading from Highgarden was filled with men and carriages. Lannister soldiers were mqrching back to King's Landing after sacking the castle, and looting its food and gold.

Jaime yelled out to a passing wagon. "Halt that wagon!" He opened the carriage. It was filled with gold bars and coins. He picked up a large sack and handed it to Bronn.

"You just won the biggest prize in the world. What could you possibly have to be upset about? Come on. You can tell me. Queen of Thorns give you one last prick in the balls before saying goodbye?"

"I'll save my confessions for the High Septon."

"There is no more High Septon."

"No, there isn't, is there?"

"There is still the question of my prize."

Jaime was putting a padlock on the wagon bearing the gold. He stopped and turned to Bronn. "That's a lot of money I just gave you."

"It's not a castle." Bronn turned and pointed to Highgarden. "How about that one? I could run it for the young Prince, at least while you find me one of my own."

"You don't want to remain in Highgarden."

"I beg to differ."

"We're at war. Daenerys Targaryen could come take it back the day after you move in. Besides, think of the upkeep. The more you own, the more it weighs you down."

"Oh, is that why you're so fucking glum, eh? All your new riches weighing you down?"

Jaime pounded on the back of the carriage and the horses started trotting. "They're not mine. The gold belongs to the Iron Bank. We pay our debts."

"Right. Just not to me."

"Bronn of the Blackwater, formerly of whatever nameless shit heap you're from with a saddlebag full of gold complaining about not getting paid. When we win this war all the castles in the Seven Kingdoms will be yours to choose from with no one left to take them away from you."

"Yes, I'm sure Queen Cersei's reign will be quiet and peaceful."

"Yes, I'm sure Queen Cersei's reign will be quiet and peaceful."

"Stranger things have happened.

"Like what?"

Before Jaime could answer, Randyll Tarly and his son Dickon approached on horseback.

"The granaries are being emptied and loaded into wagons, My Lord." Randyll told him.

"The current harvest?" Jaime asked.

"We have teams of men collecting it and more farmers in the Reach." Dickon answered.

Jaime looked over to Bronn. "Ser Bronn, will you accompany the Tarleys and help them accelerate this process?"

"I'm not much for shoveling weight."

"No, but motivating reluctant farmers to hand over their harvest, I've heard you guys have a real talent for that."

Father and son both regarded Jaime.

"My Lord."

"My Lord."

Randyll, Dickon and Bronn broke away from the Lannister army and rode into the distance. Horse drawn carts are carrying spoils from Highgarden and Lannister men were mqrching down the road.

[King's Landing - Fields]

As the Lannister army was returning from sacking Highgarden, they were delivering gold and food to King's Landing. There were carts and men that haven't made it into the city gates yet.

Jaime and Bronn were supervising the procession.

Randyll Tarly rode up on his horse. "All of the gold is safely through the gates of King's Landing."

"Good." Jaime said.

"We need to get the last of these wagons over the Blackwater Rush before nightfall. If the head of the line is ambushed, the tail will nevr be able to reinforce in time."

"We are stretched a bit thin."

"With your permission, flogging stragglers has a marked effect on mobility." Randyll requested.

"Let's give them fair warning first. These men fought well at Highgarden."

Randyll was clearly disappointed. He turns and rides off back to the line of soldiers.

Jaime and Bronn exchanged glances, then followed Randyll. They rode through the ranks.

Dickon Tarly saw Jaime and decided to strike up a conversation. "Ser Jaime."


"Dickon." He corrected

Bronn openly laughed in Dickon's face and looked at Jaime, who remained stoic.

"I hear you fought bravely at Highgarden. Your first battle?" Jaime asked.

Dickon nodded.


"It was glorious."

"Come on. Your father's not here." Bronn quipped.

"All my lifr we've been pledged to House Tyrell. I knew some of those men. I hunted with them." He turned to Jaime. "Do you hold no guilt? She was the great grandmother of your niece's son. His entire family is gone."

"Those men didn't deserve to die. But Lady Olenna chose to betray the queen and support the Targaryen girl. So here we are." Jaime told him.

"I didn't expect it to smell like that."

"Men shit themselves when they die. Didn't they teach you that at fancy lad school?" Bronn asked.

Jaime looked over at him.

"Well, I learned it when I was five." Bronn paused and strained to hear a noise far in the distance.

"What?" Jaime asked.


Horses and high pitched war cries were heard beyond the hill in the distance.

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