Hostages In The Capital

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[Sea Of Dorne]

Theon was hanging on to a flotsam on the ocean. A friendly Greyjoy ship pulled him out of the water with a rope. They hauled him onto the ship and dropped him on deck. He was shivering and disheveled.

The captain of the boat approached Theon, speaking to him while he laid on the deck.

"Your sister's dead?"

"Euron has her."

"You saw him take her? And you got away?"

"I couldn't save her. I tried."

"You wouldn't be here if you tried."

Theon hung his head, not meeting the eyes of the captain, who turned and walked away.

The men returned to their duties, some stepping over Theon as he continued to lay on the deck.

[King's Landing - Streets]

Euron was escorting prisoners Yara Greyjoy, Ellaria and Tyene Sand. The were all chained. Euron was riding a horse. He had a rope tied to Yara's neck and was leading her towards the Red Keep. A large crowd had gathered and were shouting and cheering as the prisoners were brought through the streets. Euron was smiling and showing off for the crowd who shouted obscenities and curses at the prisoners.

"This is the lifr. Look at them. Cheering for a Greyjoy." Euron said to Yara. He pulled on the rope around Yara's neck, forcing her to run forward to stand next to Euron's horse. "I have to be honest, it's making me hard. Did you see little Theon's face right before he jumped overboard?" He began mocking Theon in a high pitched voice. "Oh no!" He laughed. "What a twat."

[Red Keep - Throne Room]

Cersei was sitting on the throne surrounded by Qyburn, Jaime, and The Mountain.

There was a crowd gathered and they clapped as Euron brought the prisoners down the aisle towards the throne.

Euron climbed down from his horse and grabbed the chains that bound Ellaria and Tyene and started walking them to the throne.

"My queen. Please accept this gift on behalf of all of your loyal subjects in the Iron Islands." Euron threw the chains at the feet of Cersei. "I give you-" He looked over to Jaime. "-what no other man could give. Justice. Justice for your stolen daughter. A daughter for a daughter and the paramour of Prince Oberyn Martell."

Ellaria spat onto the floor near the throne and Cersei smiled.

Cersei began speaking to Euron. "You've proven yourself the greatest captain on the 14 seas and a true friend to the crown."

Euron leaned closer so the crowd couldn't hear. "A bit more than a true friend."

"And you deserve a proper reward for your heroism."

"There's only one reward I want."

"You shall have what your heart desires-" She told him, causing Jaime to look over at her. "-when the war is won." She stood to address the people gathered in the throne room. "With Euron Greyjoy commanding our naval forces and Jaime Lannister leading our armies, the sons and daughters of Westeros shall defend our country."

The crowd starts cheering and clapping. Cersei returned to the throne and sat.

Euron was waving to the crowd and begins speaking to Jaime. "There's nothing quite like it, is there? The love of the people. I suppose you wouldn't know."

"This same mob spat at my sister not long ago, and if you turn on us, they'll cheer to see your head mounted on a spike."

"Or yours. They just like severed heads really. Listen, if you have any advice at all I'd love to hear it when we have an hour or two to speak as brothers."

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