Bastard Massacre

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[King's Landing]

In one of Littlefinger's brothels, Ros, a whore formerly from the North, spoke with a new hire as Janos Slynt entered the room.

"Lord Commander. Good to see you, again." Ros greeted.

Janos was followed by a number of gold cloaks, some of whom were dragging along a prisoner. Some left to search other rooms.

"You do realize this establishment is owned by Lord Petyr Baelish, the King's Master of Coin. Coin which goes in many pockets." Ros told him.

"Orders." Janos replied.

"Whose orders?" Ros asked.

"Someone who doesn't care what Littlefinger thinks."

"No, you can't!"

Some gold cloaks forced Mhaegan and her baby, Barra, into the room. She began crying. The prisoner looks at Barra, and back to Janos and nodded. A gold cloak let go of the prisoner and took Barra from her mother, Mhaegan.

" No! Please! No! Not my Barra! Please. Please."

The gold cloak held a knife to the baby's throat, hesitantly. Throughout the whole ordeal, Mhaegan continued begging for Barra's life.

"Enough. Get it done. Kill the bastard."

After a moment, Janos took out a knife and grabbed the baby.

"Give it here." Janos killed the baby, as her mother, Mhaegan, shrieked. Janos and the other gold cloaks quickly left the brothel.

Outside, some gold cloaks walked along a dock before going up some stairs.

"Spread out! Search every house, every room. Look in every room." One of them said.

Some gold cloaks burst into a house and killed the inhabitants.

Outside again, on a dock, a gold cloak tossed a young boy into the water and proceeded to drown him.

In the streets, some gold cloaks held back a large mob as a baby was carried away. A gold cloak looked on as the baby was presumably killed.

Janos and a number of gold cloaks arrived at the smithy. A gold cloak was holding the blacksmith's face near some hot coals.

"Gendry! His name is Gendry." The blacksmith told them.

"Where is the bastard?" It was Janos Slynt, Commander of the City Watch.

"The Night's Watch! Please, stop!"


"They took him up the Kingsroad, heading north!"

"How will we know him?" Janos asked.

"He's got a bull's head helmet. He made it himself."

"Find him." Janos commanded the Gold Cloaks.

Meanwhile, with the Night's Watch caravan, Gendry loaded some things into a cart, and then helped Arya up onto the cart with him. The group continued on their journey to the Wall.

[Red Keep - Throne Room]

As Princess Morgana Baratheon strode into the throne room, her anger and grief boiling over like a volcano erupting, she could feel the weight of her family's history bearing down upon her. She had just learned from one of her loyal servants that her own brother, King Joffrey, had ordered the execution of all of her half-brothers and half-sisters who were born out of wedlock.

Morgana's heart was filled with rage as she thought of her dear siblings being butchered simply because they shared their father's blood.

With tears streaming down her face, Morgana marched up to the throne where Joffrey sat, surrounded by his mother Queen Cersei and their uncle, Lord Kevan Lannister. Her voice trembled with fury as she spoke, her words dripping with venom.

"You have murdered my siblings," she spat at Joffrey, her eyes flashing with hatred.

King Joffrey looked up at her from his throne, his eyes flashing with anger. "You would do well to remember your place, sister."

"Every child who looks like our father is a threat, you say? Then I am a threat too. You will have to kill me as well."

But before Morgana could do anything else, her mother Cersei stepped forward, her expression cold and calculating. "No, Morgan," she said, her voice firm but controlled. "That won't be necessary. We don't want any more bloodshed within the family."

Cersei reached out and took hold of Morgana's arm, pulling her back from the throne. "Come away, my dear," she whispered urgently. "This is not the way to resolve our differences."

For a moment, Morgana struggled against her mother's grip, furious at being restrained. But then she saw the pain and fear in Cersei's eyes, and something inside of her snapped. She realized that her mother was right - there was no point in causing more harm and suffering when what was done could nevr be undone.

"I will not harm you, Morgana. But know this - I will not tolerate any dissension within my court. You may keep your life, but do not test me again."

Morgana glared at her brother, her anger still simmering beneath the surface. But she said nothing, knowing that this small victory was a fragile one. She turned on her heel and left the throne room, her heart heavy with sorrow and her mind plotting a way to protect her siblings and her kingdom from her ruthless brother's rule.

[Princess Morgana's Chambers]

As Morgana sat in her chambers, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been plaguing her since she received word of her brother Joffrey's latest atrocity. The news of his order to slay all of her bastard half-brothers and sisters had left her feeling vulnerable and distrustful of those around her. She knew that her own life was no longer safe, and there was almost nothing could protect her from Joffrey's wrath.

She knew she couldn't trust Joffrey, not after what he had done. She feared that he would eventually come for her too, and she wouldn't be able to escape his wrath. That's why she had made plans with her loyal handmaiden, Sirena, to leave King's Landing and make their way to her betrothed, Robb Stark's, war camp.

"My lady," Sirena said, breaking Morgana's train of thought. "Are you certain this is wise? Traveling to the North during wartime is not without danger."

Morgana nodded, determination etched on her face. "I know, but I must go. I cannot stay here any longer, not with Joffrey breathing down my neck. Besides, Robb could benefit from having me by his side. Our union will strengthen our houses and bring peace to the realm. It was what our fathers wanted."

Sirena sighed, knowing better than to argue with her mistress. "As you wish, my lady. We shall depart tonight under the cover of darkness."

Morgana smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to risk everything for a chance at a better future, one where she wasn't looking over her shoulder, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Her uncle, Stannis Baratheon had sent a letter throughout the Seven Kingdoms, declaring her as her father's only trueborn child, citing the incestuous relationship between her mother and Uncle Jaime as the reason for her sibling's invalid births.

It would be a dangerous journey, but Morgana was determined to do whatever it took to protect herself.

With the help of her handmaiden, Morgana packed a small bag and made her way to the stables, where a horse awaited her. Under the cover of night, they set off towards the North, leaving behind the treacherous world of King's Landing and the madness of her brother Joffrey.

When the Red Keep awoke, they would be in for a big surprise.

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