Return Of The Mother & News Of Winterfell

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[Riverlands - Robb Stark's War Camp]

As Princess Morgana Baratheon and her handmaiden, Sirena, walked through the bustling war camp of Robb Stark, they couldn't help but notice the intense conversation between their beloved lord and a mysterious woman.

As they walked, they noticed a figure sitting apart from the others, deep in conversation with a woman they didn't recognize. The woman was tall and slender, with long, dark hair and piercing brown eyes. She wore a simple but well-made tunic and leggings, and carried a small bag at her side.

"Who is that?" Morgana asked Sirena quietly, nudging her arm.

"I don't know," Sirena replied, squinting into the fading light. "But she looks like a healer of some kind."

Morgana's interest was piqued. As the future queen of the North, she knew the importance of having skilled healers in her court. She decided to introduce herself.

"Hello," she called out, approaching the pair. "My name is Morgana Baratheon. Who might you be?"

The woman looked up as they approached, and smiled warmly. "Talisa," she said, extending a hand. "A healer from Volantis. I've been traveling with Lord Stark's army for the past few weeks, doing what I can to help tend to the wounded."

Morgana took Talisa's hand, feeling a surge of energy run through her at the touch. It was rare for her to meet someone who wasn't intimidated by her status or beauty, and she found herself drawn to this mysterious healer from afar.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she said, smiling back. "I am Robb's betrothed, and this is my handmaiden, Sirena."

Talisa bowed gracefully, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "An honor to meet you both," she said. "I must say, it's not evey day I get to meet royalty. Especially not here, in the midst of all this...uncertainty."

Morgana laughed, feeling a sense of camaraderie with this stranger. "Uncertainty is one word for it," she agreed. "But, I have faith in the King In The North."

"Talisa has been a great asset to us these past few weels, tending to our wounded and helping to keep morale high."

Morgana felt a flutter in her chest at the sight of Robb, his broad shoulders and strong jawline making her heart race. She knew she would marry him soon, and the thought filled her with excitement and anticipation.

"It would seem we share a love of herbs and medicine."

"Then we have much to discuss. I have brought some rare herbs and spices from Volantis that I think you will find most intriguing." Talisa told them

"She seems very capable," Morgana said, gesturing towards Talisa. "Perhaps we could use her skills at Winterfell once the war is over."

Robb nodded thoughtfully, his gaze lingering on Talisa for a moment before returning to Morgana. "I think that would be a good idea," he said. "We could always use more skilled healers in the North."

They were interrupted by a voice familiar to only two of them. It was Robb's mother, Lady Catelyn Stark, who was approaching with an unfamiliar tall blonde woman.


Robb turned and hugged his mother, while Talisa looked down.

"Mother. Mother, this is Lady Talisa. She's been helping with the wounded. She's been very... helpful."

"Lady Talisa." She greeted.

"Lady Stark."

"Lady Talisa...?"


"Maegyr? Forgive me, I do not know this name."

"An uncommon name here. An old name in Volantis. Excuse me, my lady. Your Grace."

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