Chapter 26

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You paced around your apartment. Thoughts swirled in your mind about what may be happening to your friend. Pumpkinpants watched you from the couch. Their eyes moved with your anxious form. You were waiting for a call from Mel since he was the one that was going to pick you up to go search for the killer. He had gone out for a little while early in the morning when he woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep. The old man was worried about his child's friend. He had a feeling deep in his bones, a bad one. He had long ago learned to trust when his bones had feelings, his late wife would always scold him when he didn't.

Finally, their phone rang. You picked it up before it could even finish ringing once. "Did you find him?" You said quickly.

"I think you forgot a hello. And uh no I didn't find him but I think I know which way he went." Mel's gruff voice came through over the phone.

"Where?!?!" You nearly yelled back. Mel could be heard sighing before he continued "I saw a herd of police headed out to the camp grounds. I'll be by in ten to get you." He finished before hanging up. Your blood ran cold as those words reverberated around your mind. The phone slipped from your hands to the ground with a light thump. For Mel to say it's a herd means that there were a lot. What could Michael have done? "He wouldn't go on a killing spree... would he?" You whispered to yourself. You forced yourself to move, you had to get ready, you needed to grab a backpack to put some things in for the search. If he had gone killing he might be hurt and if so he'd need medical attention.

You sat outside waiting for Mel's truck to pull up. The familiar roar of the engine was approaching and you couldn't help but walk towards it, as if that would somehow quicken the endeavor. Mel stopped in front of you. "The hell you think you're doin?" He said with a stern singe to his voice. You gave him a determined look. The only thing on your mind was to find your Michael and bring him home. Without a word you hopped in the old truck. "Bein quiet aint gonna help" the older man pointed out. "I need to find him. I need to know he's safe and not dead somewhere." You replied looking down at your hands fidgeting in your lap. The man sighed, he understood where his kid was coming from and he really wished he could fix it right here right now. "That boy aint dead, a nuclear bomb couldn't off that man. Let's go find our boy." He said, trying to cheer you up the best he could. He knew he couldn't promise you anything, he wouldn't hand you a promise that may be broken. Your eyes were glued to the woods as your father figure drove. 

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