Chapter 6

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The atmosphere in the hideout was awkward. The killer almost always refused eye contact with the human that he had become close with. The human on the other hand couldn't care less about what had happened. For the first time in a few days he looked up at (y/n). They smiled when their friend finally looked their way. He motioned to his neck asking how the bruising was.

"It's fine really. It doesn't even hurt" You said hoping to quench his worries. To you it was in the past and didn't affect the future. "Besides now I know I look good in scarves." He gave a nod at your attempt at humor. The man regretted what he had done. It was a new emotion for him, regret, and he didn't like it.

Michael still wasn't sure how you overcame fear so easily when he was clearly cutting off airflow. He wasn't sure if you were human, he hadn't met a human that could just switch off emotions like you had. The truth was you weren't normal, you had gone through a lot of trauma in your life and it had changed everything about you. From a young age you had to be able to shut down emotions to stay alive. If you allowed someone to get to you it might mean game over. Michael was the first person in a while that you had let your walls down around.

Maybe it was because you had been a victim of psychiatric hospitals as well or maybe it was that somewhere deep inside you wanted to know more about the infamous killer. You weren't sure but what you did know was that he was your friend and you weren't about to abandon that just because he lashed out once out of fear of what you could do to him. Whether he knew it or not his actions against you had come from a place of fear. His walls were falling and that scared him because then, if you chose to hurt him it'd be even more devastating.

The day rolled on and you had decided to spend the entire day with the silent man. A lazy day was in order and what better way to spend it than reading in the lair of a notorious serial killer? You weren't going to be selfish so you had brought him some books to read as well. Not knowing what genre he liked you brought a mystery, a horror, and a thriller book. He hadn't read in a while so he took his time and was going to read each of the books your brought. Seeing how immersed he was made you glad that you took a day off work to read with your friend. You were reading (F/B) occasionally looking over at the man.

The two took a break around dinner to eat and (y/n) took this as their chance to tell Michael all about the book they were reading. For the entirety of the meal you went over all of the details of the story and of course your favorite character. The killer had finished eating but was sitting listening to your enthusiastic story telling. It didn't take him too long to realize that you wouldn't stop unless he made you stop. He knew just what to do to get you to shut up. He balled up the wrapper from his dinner and threw it at your turned away head. That made you stop talking mid sentence. At that moment you knew it would all be okay.

"I get it, I'm rambling" You said in response. The two of you turned your chairs back around so you were no longer facing away. His hand reached for the bag of cookies that you had brought but retracted his hand when you swatted it away. "I was serious no cookies for you" He glared at you, you had withheld them since the incident. "Oh okay fine your cookie ban is lifted"

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