Chapter 24

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Your sniffles had subsided and your anger had calmed down some. Mel sat across from you, a cup off warm hot coco sat on the table in front of him. His eyes held kindness and his smile had a hint of sadness. "(Y/n) I'm okay really." He said testing the waters to see if you'd calmed down enough for him to talk about what happened. You nodded and started to protest a little until he cut you off. "Kid you need to take a breath. I get you're upset but it's gettin' dark and he ain't home." His voice was somewhat stern. "So what! He hurt you for no reason!" You retorted. Mel rolled his eyes.

"That boy ain't used to that kind of joking around and you know it. I pushed him too far and he reacted the only way he knew how." He said in a more father like voice. This time you rolled your eyes. "He isn't family. You are. I don't care that he isn't here after what he did to you. He hurt you. He betrayed me" You nearly spat back, the anger once again bubbling up inside of you. "Knock it off. What happened to understandin' that he's been through hell and won't always react like people would expect." The older man replied slamming his hand on the table to hopefully break your cycle of negative thoughts.Your face continued to hold anger towards the killer that lived in the apartment. He knew this wasn't how you actually felt on the situation and that you were letting anger speak. "I don't give a shit! Hurting you was way to far. All you've ever done is be kind to him. He had no right to hurt you." You spoke with anger dripping from your words.

"Since when do you let your anger control you? I know damn well that my wife and I raised you better than this." He knew mentioning his wife would break your negative cycle. He knew that she was a soft spot and that she would flash through your mind. He could see the memory of his late wife run through your mind as your face faltered.

Her smile was bright in your mind, it was warm like a nice summer day. Letting your head fall onto the table with a thump and groan, you took a minute. Mel was right, this wasn't like you. The anger fizzled out and you took a deep breath trying to calm your mind. Thats when the realization hit you. It was dark out and the infamous killer wasn't home yet and worse than that he had left in broad daylight. Anyone could've seen him, he could've been spotted and reported. "Shit. I fucked up." You said looking up at Mel. "Language kiddo and only kinda, your emotions are valid." He replied. He knows that if anything happened to that big lug of a killer you would blame yourself.

"I'll head home an' get some gear ready. It's far too dark out to go searchin' now. I'll be back first light an' we'll go lookin' together. You need to grab a pillow an blanket an get some rest. Got it?" He said standing up to leave. You nodded and walked him to the door. Mel kissed your forehead and left. Closing the door, worry and guilt washed over you. Scenarios ran through your mind of what might happen to your friend. You tried to calm your thoughts by assuring yourself that your words couldn't have cut the killer deeply. He was a cold hearted killer after all. He stayed with you out of necessity and nothing more you told yourself. Somehow that struck your heart with a pang of sorrow. Were you just a thing of necessity to him? Did he actually care at all about you?

Shaking their head (Y/n) sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around them and a bowl of popcorn in hand. Golden eyes watched silently from the window as the person put on a Stab horror movie. A smile twitched onto the watchers face as he snapped a picture of the human on the couch. He decided to stay and watch the movie through the window, after all it was one of his favorites. The shadowy figure watched as the person would occasionally become emotional at thoughts that ran through their mind. It was almost enough to make him giddy.

Tonight was a safe night for him to watch, he didn't have to worry about the keen killer that normally stayed at the apartment. He took many photos during the movie. His golden eyes behind his mask lit up at the more gruesome scenes in the horror movie. As the credits began to roll, he picked the best picture out of the polaroids and stuck it to the windowsill before silently leaving, blending into the shadows of the night with his black and gray costume.

You stood up from the couch and turned off the tv. It was now late and had decided to sleep on the couch incase Michael came home in the night. As you stood something in the window caught your eye. "What the fuck is that" You muttered walking towards it. "Holy fuck" is all you could say as you saw that it was a photo of yourself watching Stab. Someone had been watching you. Your heart rate skyrocketed as the realization that you had been watched set in. Michael, your protector wasn't here, Mel wasn't either. You were alone with Pumpkinpants in the apartment. Hurriedly you made sure all windows and front door in the apartment were locked. The knife you had grabbed would stay in your hand all night. The decision to stay on the couch stayed and so you brought in your favorite blanket and plush and nested on the couch. Your (E/C) eyes stared at the window where the picture still sat.

A soft meow broke your gaze. You looked down to see Pumpkinpants looking up at you with bright orange eyes. You picked him up and placed him on your stomach for cuddles. In the cats mind he was protecting (Y/n) from whatever they were scared of. Slowly the purrs from the cat lulled you into a sleep full of anxious dreams. 

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