Chapter 22

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You woke up to the sun shining into your window. A calm smile graced your lips as you put on your favorite lounge clothes and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. You decided to turn on the news while you cooked and made tea. That would prove to be a mistake. You hummed happily as you cooked up some (F/B). "This morning the town of Haddonfield is met with another grisly murder. The campsite of a 34 year old man named Alex was found abandoned. A search party then found his mutilated body in a clearing not too far away." The newscaster said. Your jaw dropped open, and you nearly dropped your plate. Anger rushed through your veins. 'He is supposed to be laying low' you thought.

With an annoyed grunt you stomped to the dangerous serial killers door. Knocking loudly you shout "Wake up! What the fuck Michael" you waited a few moments knocking again and then barged in. You knew he slept with his mask on and so weren't too worried about that. He shot up not knowing what was happening. For a moment he was filled with anger but that quickly dissolved when he saw his human. Confusion then washed over the giant of a man. On the other hand your form was fuming. "What the hell! You went out killing last night?!?" Your words dripped with venom. It was a betrayal that he would put himself in such danger. He only shrugged as if to say 'So what?' Michael then stood and that's when you noticed blood seeping through his shirt.

Their anger was drowned out by worry. They let out a gasp and rushed forward lifting his shirt without thinking. This action made the man flinch backwards. "Shit sorry" The human stood back forgetting how not used to touching the killer was. "What happened? Did that man do this to you?" They said quickly. Michael only nodded. "Then it's fine that he's dead. Now sit and let me fix that." He did as told and sat down on the bed. His human hurried off to find their medical kit. He hadn't noticed that the wound started to bleed through the towel he had taped to himself. They rushed in and lifted his shirt once more. "Is that a towel and duct tape??" They asked dumbfounded. He nodded. "You could've come and woken me up instead of this sad excuse for a fix." They said earning a gesture towards themself from him as if to say 'And deal with the anger while tired?'

"Yeah I would've been mad but more worried and then I wouldn't be dealing with an older wound that has splinters in it." You said, trying to keep your cool while meticulously pulling out small shards of wood. Not once did the man flinch, not even while the wound was being sutured shut. The years of pain and suffering had made him unable to really feel the pain that was inflicted on him.

"Please be more careful. The stitches are in but they can rip and I would hate to see you bleeding again." You said as you placed a bandage over the stitches to keep them clean. Your (e/c) eyes met his white mask as you finished your sentence. He didn't like seeing you upset and now it was himself who made you so upset, so worried. As you stood from where you were sitting to do his stitches his eyes never left your form. He watched as you walked over to his dresser and pulled out a new clean (f/c) color shirt for him to put on.

Clearing your throat you told him "Just put the bloodied clothes in the laundry basket in your room. I'll clean them later and hopefully I'll be able to get the blood stains out." And with that you left the room to make the once again injured man some breakfast that would also help his body recover from its previous night's outing.

Michael sat in the bed thinking. He had upset you, his actions made you nearly cry. The man didn't like that but he also knew that killing was something he wouldn't just stop doing. The killer decided after a while that since it wasn't his usual hunting season that he could do his best to not kill unless necessary like with the tourists. He stood up and placed the bloodied sheets and clothes into the clothes bin as his human had told him too. He thought about doing the laundry himself but then thought maybe there was some trick that he didn't know about and so left the room. Michael cautiously made his way to the kitchen, stopping just before as he overheard (Y/n) on the phone with who he assumed was Mel.

"I don't know what got into him last night. He just went out and did that." you said

"He came home hurt so I don't really care that the guy died." you replied

"Yeah yeah I know I lack empathy for assholes." then a pause

"No you don't need to come over. It just upset me so much to see him hurt like that. I just needed to talk with you since I can't exactly tell anyone else." then a pause

"Okay well Love you Mel Bye" You said and then hung up the phone. The human jumped a little as they turned around and saw the killer standing in the hallway.

"Dude I swear I'm going to put a bell on you one of these days." They said with one hand over their heart. He tilted his head as if to say "You could try but won't succeed" you chuckled a little and handed him a plate of food with a fork and knife and a large cup of water. "Alright big guy go eat. I know you must be hungry" you said and then sat to eat your own breakfast.

The day progressed normally with you doing your best to get the stains out from his sheets and clothes and Michael sitting at the couch watching movies. You had recommended Alien vs Predator to him and so he chose that to watch. Sometime in early afternoon a knock was heard at the front door. 

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