Chapter 16 - Commotion

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A/N: Sorry for disappearing right as I thought I was getting into the swing of things, I'm back now. Hope you enjoy!


A week after what could be described as one of the worst days y/n had since being in the corps, she was almost completely back to normal. Her nose sniffly and her throat barely tickling, you could barely even tell she was sick. The sun was shining brightly that morning, her sleep schedule being a mess ever since she got sick. But something today was off, and it wasn't because of the brightness she wasn't used to. As she walked through the demon slayer corps head quarters other slayers would mutter to each other as they walked. And when she passed, they seemed to look at her and stop...was there something wrong? Butterflies floated around as she aimlessly made her way to the butterfly mansion, no real goal in mind. It was just healthy for her to get some form of exercise while she waited for her next mission.

Again, some medics passed her, muttering until they noticed her gaze. Maybe they didn't want to get sick? Had someone told them she was ill? She huffed as she kept walking. What was going on?

"Have you heard about the disappearing slayers?" She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but her hearing caught the words unintentionally. Demon slayers were going missing? She continued to listen to the conversation as the two people approached.

"Yeah, it was something to do with a train right?"

"Yep, honestly they really should send a hashira, there's not other rank left that has returned."

"But you know how restricted hashiras are, they have to use their time carefully."

A train huh, sounded interesting. It was definitely a unique approach to eating humans but she guessed it was effective.

"Y/N hi!" Hearing someone call her name she turned to the voice. It was Senjuro, his joyous smile contagious to her. She couldn't help but smile back as he approached her, a book of research in his hands.

"Hey Senjuro, what are you up to?" She spoke, a yawn breaking through. She was somehow still tired, her brain desperately trying to figure out a sleeping pattern.

"Just grabbing more books for studying, I need to head back and clean the house a bit." He admitted, standing next to her. He let out a small laugh as she yawned again. "You seem like you could use a nap..."

"Yeah, I definitely could..." She admitted, beginning her walk back with Senjuro next to her. She listened to him quietly as he spoke about his morning, about all the interesting things he had learned so far.

"But, there's been a weird tone to people today..." Senjuro admitted. So he noticed too...

"Yeah, do you know why?"

"Only something to do with a demon...and a train...slayers are disappearing. It's stressful to the corps as they don't have many slayers left..." Y/N frowned in thought, remembering words from the two people she had listened in on earlier. She was strong, but not hashira level. Those people had said every rank except for hashira had gone there and had went missing. What if she were assigned? Would she make it back?

What if they sent a hashira? How would they know which one is best suited for the job? Or would they just send anyone with time free enough for it. What if they had sent Kyojuro?

"Senjuro?" Suddenly her mind was wide awake, dread seeping into her heart at the idea.


"Do you know what the details of Kyojuro's mission were?" Did she even want to know? She had a bad feeling about this train...

"It was nothing to do with a train, don't worry." Suddenly all the dread left her as she was reassured that Kyojuro wasn't at that mission. "They haven't sent a hashira yet, from what I've heard." He admitted. She didn't know why she dreaded the idea of that mission so much, as Kyojuro definitely could be on something equally, if not more dangerous. So why did this train give her a sickly feeling in her stomach? Maybe it was just her cold...

When they made it back to the Rengoku estate they were welcomed by the excited old pet, wagging his tail happily at seeing some of his favourite people. Following behind him was the alcoholic father, stumbling his way out the exit. He gazed at them with anger, pausing when he saw his youngest son's depressed face and fear of eye contact. For a moment, his heart was struck with regret, bitterness taking over as quickly as the regret had appeared. He continued his journey to get more sake.

As the two sat together, discussing the day over some tea, the conversation was light and playful. They had learned a lot about each other, courtesy of y/n first not being able to do anything when she first arrived. They had developed a strong friendship, laughing over things Senjuro would never have the chance to otherwise. Out of nowhere however, his joy died down into a timid sadness.


"What's wrong?" She could instantly pick up on the sad tone of the boy, watching as he fidgeted with the empty teacup. He gazed into it sadly.

"Do you think I...I would ever be strong enough to become a demon slayer?"

"I would argue you already are."

"But the sword-"

"What about it? It can still cut a demon's head off regardless of the colour. Correct?"


"And how long have you been training to be a slayer?"

"Since I was little..." Senjuro's heart ached, depressed over the conversation. If only he were strong enough, if he had been strong like Kyojuro then this wouldn't be happening. He'd be a respected demon slayer...

"Then you are good enough. The only thing stopping you is yourself." Y/N sat back, watching the young boy carefully. His eyes watered as he thought about her words, facing the internal battle he always had inside of him. Part of her felt bad for him, he should have the life of a normal kid. He didn't deserve any of this. Her hatred of demons only grew stronger. Everyone deserved a demon free life. She needed to become a hashira and fast. She would kill every one she came across...

It was silent for a moment before they heard the flapping of wings, y/n's crow appearing before them. It spoke loudly, declaring her first mission in a while. Bidding goodbye to the boy as he started his chores, she broke off into a sprint as she followed the bird to her mission's location...

A/N: It's a bit of a short chapter, but it's a good warm up for me for the next chapters. See you soon!

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