Chapter 7 - Competition

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A/N: Sorry for the massive delay in chapters lately, my life has been a little hectic. It will continue to be that way for the next week and a half, I'll do my best to get chapters out!


The Rengoku family were eating together for once, a rare occasion ever since their mother died. While it should have been nice to finally have breakfast as a family, it was tense and awkward as their father quietly ate like a ticking time bomb. Both were worried the slightest thing would set him off into another extreme fit of drunken rage, for he didn't care what time it was. He would drink anyway. The birds chirping would be enough to irritate him. That was when they heard loud barking not far from their home, unexpected as dogs in the area were usually taught silence. After a moment it stopped, making them think it was over. Kyojuro was the first to recognise the change in atmosphere. Y/N was back. He couldn't help but grin.

"Why are you so happy?" His father huffed between mouthfuls of food, barely holding together the patience to deal with his eldest son's bright smile. The dog barking got louder as it came closer. He stood from his place in rage. "Would someone shut that dog up!" He roared, loud enough that anyone could hear. So whoever owned the dog, definitely knew the barking was not to be tolerated. The Rengoku father was never fond of animals, the sons never knew why.

"Y/N is back!" Senjuro noticed from their area, jumping to his feet with his older brother following. Both were excited to see the new demon slayer after her first mission, ecstatic to learn how it went. From the entrance the younger boy gave enthusiastic waves while the elder folded his arms, a smile of encouragement gracing his features. He was proud. His heart twisted in a way that was difficult to describe, it was almost ticklish. As quickly as it appeared it went away, as Y/N already made it to them. Senjuro was as he usually was, overjoyed to find someone survive such a terrifying job. He had even prepared an extra serving (or more) just in case. Kyojuro was never as physical with his excitement, learning to control his stature from a young age. Yet he was equally as happy to see the return of Y/N. Maybe even more happy than Senjuro was.

"It is great to see you back!" The flame hashira exclaimed, his mouth curved upwards as it usually was. "Congratulations on your first successful mission." Before anything else could be said, the constant tension returned. Senjuro once again let go of his cheerful self to make himself invisible, looking down to avoid eye contact. Aware of the former flame hashira approaching them, the two demon slayers watched carefully.

"So you survived huh?" Muttered the drunken father, stumbling as he wandered forward. He leaned on what he thought was the doorway, frowning at the texture not being what he expected. A glance displayed to him that it was his son's shoulder, he grumbled as he gave the younger version of himself a harsh shove. Even with his lack of sobriety, a weakened shove from him was enough to send the new flame hashira off balance. Shinjuro swayed a little as he set his focus on the woman that had been living in his home, thinking of an insult to degrade her worth. Then he'd send her off and they'd never see her again. That was his plan. But as he opened his mouth he noticed something off, his eyes focusing on the movement behind her. "What pest have you brought with you?" He practically snarled the words out, glaring into the e/c eyes that held no opinion.

A second later the fluffy dog that Y/N had rescued on her mission appeared from behind her, jumping around and barking with energy. The large dog leaped in circles before sitting, panting as it looked up at the three men. At the sight of the dog Kyojuro grew an expression of shock as his father backed away in disgust. The kids of the Rengoku family never had a pet, their crow not even counting as one. Their father did not like animals, especially dogs. But when Senjuro saw the happy animal in front of him, his fear almost completely slipped away. He took a step forward and reached his hand out to the animal, allowing it to sniff his hand. The reaction was fast, as the dog moved to jump and lick the young boy's face, he landed on the ground. The movement was so fast that it took Y/N by surprise. But what was more surprising was that Senjuro was now being protected by his father's grasp, away from the dog. The oldest of the men breathed heavily. It was the first time Y/N had seen an emotion other than anger on his face. Was he afraid? The dog looked down in sadness, whining as it sat. He had done something wrong, he could tell. But he never knew what.

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