A Crimson Discovery

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Your POV

After your long shower, you put on some comfortable pajamas. Your mask was dirty, so you did your best to clean it without messing up the paint. When you exit the bathroom, you hang it on the wall and grab a new one to wear. The movie is already finished, and you don't feel like watching it again even though you missed the whole plot. Rummaging through your discs, you don't find anything that sparks your interest.

Ugh, all these movies seem so boring. You don't want to watch a movie right now. Maybe you can play a game instead? You grab your console and insert a horror game in honor of Halloween. It's usually surprisingly comforting despite the jumpscares. While waiting for the game to load, you sit on your bed, trying to get cozy since you will not be getting up. The game screen loads, and you press start. As soon as the music plays, you hear a loud thump from your backyard.

Immediately, you drop your console on your bed and look out the window. Nothing comes into view except a few teens walking with their friends and heading to a party. You don't want to go outside, but you are curious. Hmmm, yeah, you're going.

Wait, you don't want to be that character that dies first because they are investigating. Why are you acting like this is a horror movie? People did die, so it basically is. You grab a weapon to defend yourself if it's something dangerous.

You quickly look around for anything that can be a weapon. A spoon? No. Hmm, what about your figurine? What are you going to do? Throw it at them and run away? Wait, wait, wait, you have a paint gun. You stole it when you went paintballing...thief. It still has some bullets inside. Although these aren't real bullets, they still hurt like hell.

Grabbing your paint gun, you walk to your backyard. You slowly open the door to see... no one. No, there is someone on the floor. It's Michael. You run over to him and flip him over. "Michael! Michael, are you ok? Never mind, you clearly aren't okay, so I'll just bring you inside." You try to drag him, which gets you exactly two inches closer to the door. You would carry him, but he's too heavy. (No offense, Michael)

Running out of options, you ask him if he can walk, and he leans forward slightly. A piece of glass is in his side, and he's bleeding a lot. You turn to your fence and see a trail of blood leading to where he is right now. How much blood did he lose? How far did he walk to get here in this state? Giving him your shoulder, you try to help him stand up. To your surprise, it kind of works. Both of you stagger towards the door until you are inside.

You close the door and lock it before sitting him upright. "I'll go get some medical supplies. I'll be right back." Without wasting a second, you run to the bathroom and grab anything you think can help. You keep a medical kit under your sink, so you take that with you as well. Once you return, you set all the items on the floor and begin to patch him up. You would take him to the hospital but you don't think they will just release him once his treatment is finished...since...you know...

"Michael I have to open your jumper so I can stop your bleeding." He doesn't protest so you take that as permission. You open his jumper down to his belly button and remove it from his arms. At first, you don't think anything until you realize he is now completely shirtless in front of you. His stomach is pretty firm and he holds an admirable build. Damn. You stand there feeling flustered and speechless until you realize you are just staring at him. Snapping back into the real world you grab the materials needed and perform DIY surgery. You saw a YouTube video on what to do if you got stabbed so you are basically a doctor.

"I'm going to pull this out..." You pull on the glass trying to be as gentle as possible. He doesn't even flinch at this. Surprisingly enough you manage to stop the bleeding and his wound will heal soon. (really soon knowing him) Michael puts his arms through the jumper and buttons it back up. Sighhhh. He nods at you, showing his gratitude for your assistance. "How did you get stabbed in the first place? You need to be more careful. They could have killed you." He just looked at you and didn't respond to any of your questions. You go to your room and grab the notebook and a pencil. You make your way back to Michael and hand him the items. He seems a bit surprised to see the notebook again and proceeds to flip through the pages, seeing all the messages you two had written.

To be honest you have the whole notebook memorized. You read it every day and never stopped, especially when he went missing. At first, you read it for clues but then later you read it because you missed him. It felt like you were reliving the moment each time you read it. Michael hands you the notebook, shaking your thoughts away. The paper read "Sister". You never knew much about his home life or his family but he did tell you he had two sisters since you asked. Well, he wrote it down.

"You were trying to find your sister?" He nods his head. "Oh did you find her?" He nods his head again and moves his hand to mimic stabbing motions. "You killed her???" He shakes his head. "You want to kill her?" He nods. "Is that why you got stabbed?" He nods. "So you tried to kill her but she got the glass and stabbed you with it and she got away...but then the police showed up...so you had to leave the scene and ended up in my backyard?" He nods and looks eyes the floor. "Hey, it's ok I'm sure you can get her next time." You don't know what she did but that's none of your business... He stands up and turns the doorknob. Wow, he healed fast. "Wait!" He turns his head to you. "Please don't leave... again." You match his eyes which seem... sad? You couldn't tell since he left right after that.

Guys, I'm so sorry for disappearing </3 I actually got hit by an 18-wheeler and was in the hospital for some time. However, I think they forgot I was in the room while I was incapacitated. The door was locked so I had to survive off the IV fluid and 3 rats I found in the bathroom. Overall was a very traumatic experience so I decided to take a break for my mental well-being. I am back now and I assure you that the next update will be longer and is coming out tomorrow. The last chapter will come out very soon.

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