The Day He Left

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Every day you looked forward to school so you can see Michael during recess. Contrasting before when you hated even getting out of bed. Ignoring his weird habits he was quite interesting.

You bought a notebook and brought it with you outside so you can communicate. Even in writing he never spoke much but you still enjoyed the conversation. Sometimes you both would just talk and other times he had something to show you whether it be a dead animal or some pretty flowers. You always hoped it was the flowers.

If it were an animal then you would do your burial routine and cover it with leaves. Why is this even a thing though...WHY IS THIS A ROUTINE?  Michael never helped with this and just watched you intently. How does he find these anyways? If it was flowers then you would pick one from the ground and give it to him. He seemed confused but he kept the flower close to him in his pocket. Then you would both sit in the grass and look at the sky, not saying a word. Just watching the clouds form into different shapes and then drift apart.

You've always enjoyed taking in nature but it was more enjoyable when it was with him even if it was in silence. You felt this strong connection to him, something you've never felt before. Some might think he comes off as cold but you knew cared about what you were saying.

The way his gaze never wavered while you spoke let you know he was listening. He was very patient and never got bored even if he wasn't particularly interested in that topic. It felt nice for someone to care about what you had to say. You would often just ramble on about a subject you're passionate about. Sometimes he would write questions for you based on what you said.

When you got home you would reread what he wrote in the notebook and smile to yourself. You were so happy to have a friend at school. That's when you came up with a brilliant idea. What if you made him another mask? Of course, he can keep on the one he has now but it's always good to have a spare.

Feeling determined you stayed up late that night working on his present. The mask was white but painted with pastel paint. You put a protective layer over it so the colors would stay and not smudge. You were proud of your work and hoped he would like it.

In the morning you got ready quickly and rushed to school. October was always beautiful in Haddonfield. The cool temperatures and the fresh autumn breeze. Before reaching the front gate you stopped to enjoy the scenery.

Jack o'lanterns were lit on the lawns of houses and the school. You walk inside to be welcomed by cobwebs and skeletons. The hallways are littered with spooky decorations. Children discuss their costume plans and attempt to scare each other. You walk past them and make your way to class.

Once recess starts you immediately go to the bushes. Michael sits there and looks somewhat upset but you're not sure. "Hey, Michael!", you exclaim with your hands behind your back. "I made something for you I hope you like it..." Moving your hands forward you reveal the homemade mask you prepared. He accepts it and begins to fully inspect it.

He stands up and turns around so his back is facing you. He takes off his mask and places the one you made on his face. Facing back to you he tilts his head. "What do you think?" He nods his head in contentment. Letting out a sigh of relief you feel your face lifting.

"Are you going to go tricking or treating?" He replies by slightly shrugging his shoulders. "Yea, I'm not going... My parents say that people are going to put stuff in the candy so it isn't safe", you announce sadly and look at the ground. "One candy and the next thing I know I'm a drug addict...and something about me drinking all the cough medicine. But I don't know why I would do that since medicine tastes gross."

He doesn't understand what you are saying at all. You feel him grab your wrist as he drags you to a different location. Walking behind him, you decide not to ask questions, not like he would answer...Soon enough you realize that you're not on school property anymore. Cars drive past and townsfolk enter stores to buy candy at the last minute.

You start to feel a bit nervous because what if you get in trouble for skipping school? But at the same time, you only live once so you might as well. If anyone asks you'll just say you were in the bathroom with explosive diarrhea the whole time.

Michael takes a turn and leaves the main street to a more secluded area. The forest starts from that point and he seems to know his way around. Passing many trees you stay close behind him. The ground starts to elevate the further you go until you finally stop.

He lets go of your wrist and looks at you. You take that as a sign to walk forward and you do so. That's when you see one of the most beautiful sites you have ever seen. There is a calm stream with loads of pretty rocks. The sun hits the water perfectly contrasting the dark atmosphere of the forest. Taking it all in you stand there in awe. Butterflies brush past your face and flutter away.

"Michael this place is gorgeous how did you find this?" He doesn't reply but you quickly get distracted by something blue on the floor. Out of curiosity, you decide to see what it is. In the light shines a singular blue flower growing in the grass. You pull it out of the ground to give to Michael.

You feel kinda bad for taking the last flower... But oh well you already picked it. Michael looks at you observingly and looks away when you rush over to him. "Michael look at this flower I found isn't it pretty? Here you can have it."

He takes a deep breath and looks like he is about to say something but changes his mind at the last minute. He takes the flower and looks at it softly. Without warning, he puts his hand on your shoulder and gets closer to you. Your face immediately starts to flush. Thank goodness for this mask.

Sweeping away some of the hair on your face he places the flower on your head. He then steps back and tilts his head slightly as if he was taking in the sight before him. You don't know what to say and look away feeling somewhat flustered and surprised.

The two of you play games in the forest and have loads of fun. You even stepped in the stream but made sure not to get your mask wet. Time flew by and you realized you had to get back since school was already over.

"Michael I really wish I could stay but I need to go back home. I had lots of fun today! I'll see you tomorrow." When you got home you buried your face in your pillow. Your heart raced while you replayed the events in your head. You didn't understand what you were feeling or why you liked him so much. Just thinking about him brings a smile to your face. You never want this feeling to go away. You went to sleep that night excited to see him the next day.

You never saw him again.

Every day you went to the bush expecting to see him but he was never there. You searched the forest in case he got lost or hurt. You kept this routine until one day you gave up. Your mind wondered through all the possibilities. What if he was kidnapped or murdered?

There was one that you didn't want to think about.

It couldn't be true... There is no way...

What if he just left?

Maybe you were too boring or he just never cared that much. At least not enough to say goodbye.

Your heart broke into tiny pieces thinking about it. His mysterious aura lured you in but ended up hurting you the most. You could never understand him or how he felt. You thought he cared about you but maybe that's just what you wanted to believe. Some days he was warm and somewhat kind. However most days he was distant. When he showed even an inch of warmth you felt the happiest you could feel. When he was distant you excused that as his normal behavior.

You shouldn't expect him to change his whole demeanor just to satisfy your needs. You shouldn't expect anything at all. You're lucky that someone is even talking to you. Yet you still couldn't shake off this sense of loneliness that grew worse when he left. Although you didn't know him for that long your attachment would make anyone else believe otherwise.

You didn't know much about him but you knew how he made you feel. A part of you wants to resent him for leaving but you care too much to do that. So for now you just wait for his return, even if it's forever... 

𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 (𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝑴𝒚𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now