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Tch, it's Halloween and here I am watching horror movies all by myself...

Other people your age are actually living their life instead of being holed inside, staring at a flashing screen. Inside the screen, however, is the only life you can live. Because at least there you can be wherever, and whoever you want. It's a distraction as well as a vessel to be the main character. You'll never be them, or live a life half as interesting but at least you can watch. That's what you're best at. Just watching.

The same way on Valentine's Day, you see people receive flowers and you just watch. You watch everyone live their life and you just stand there. Waiting. For something. Anything. Anyone.

On the screen, a girl runs into her house but doesn't lock the door for some reason. The killer simply opens the door and continues chasing her. This movie is so stupid... She runs into her room, ignoring her open window, and hides in her closet. The screen turns black, giving you a moment to look at your reflection.

You wore a costume (of your choice) and sat dressed up in your room wearing a mask you made just for that outfit.

The walls in your room were decorated with masks you've made over the years, all holding different emotions. You try to make a mask that resembles how you feel at the moment so you can still express yourself going out.

In middle school, you upgraded to wearing full face masks which led to your collection. Over time you felt more self-conscious, making you want to hide your whole face.

In high school, there were always those people everyone looked at. They were always so gorgeous. Just flashing a smile would make others go crazy. Sometimes it was hard to look in the mirror. Sometimes it was hard to do anything. If only that were you instead. Maybe if you were like that people you like you. They would want you. And you'd never be alone.

This leads to you right now, crying while eating Halloween chocolate. You want to have fun like everyone else. In the movies, they always looked so happy...Laughing together and wearing matching costumes. You don't know if parties are like that but if you're surrounded by people who care about you can they really be that bad? Just as long as you don't take drinks from strangers or consume anything there you should be fine. You can do the monster mash! Do people still do that?

A door creaked open on the opposite side of your house. You would go investigate but you were in no mood. Plus people who do that always die first in horror movies, don't they? The screen flashed and you stared at the screen, barely paying attention to the plot anymore.

Suddenly your bedroom door flies open and a man with a white mask and coveralls stands in the frame. He holds a knife that has been recently used. Blood drips down and onto the floor.

Now that you think about it, people who do nothing also die. You should be screaming and running but you lack the energy. He stops and tilts his head to the side out of confusion.

You only sniffled in response, moving your tissue box closer to you. He slowly walks up to you and raises his knife, expecting you to run away. Waiting for the impact of the blade you bite down but it never comes. You had already accepted your fate and weren't too upset about it. It's not like you had anything going for you, well at least not at the moment.

He stands there trying to decide his next course of action. His hand reaches for you and he forcefully grabs your face. His rough fingers press into your mask and you let out a squeal. He tilts your head up and looks closely at you.

You begin to feel nervous with how he is glaring at you and you divert your glance. This only angers him and his grip strengthens as he redirects your head. Both of you are now making eye contact.

His eyes seem cold and empty which sends a slight shiver down your spine. However, his eyes are a beautiful brown and the moonlight only enhances this. His glare feels intimidating but it also makes you feel flustered. A blush covers your face as you struggle to maintain eye contact with this mysterious man.

You don't know who he is or why he is in your house but he feels so familiar. After a few seconds, his grip loosens and he stops glaring at you. Instead, his eyes seem to be searching for something deep within your e/c orbs. He doesn't know what he's looking for which causes him to feel confused and frustrated.

His hand reaches out to pull your mask but you back up. "You can kill me but the mask stays on", you state firmly. Not wanting to go against your wishes he pulls his hand back. He observes you for a good while before walking away.

"Wait... come back... please" He continues to leave and you stare at the door yearningly. Bro broke into my house and I'm asking him to come back. Damn, I got issues.

𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 (𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝑴𝒚𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin