Chapter 18.

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Neli was lying on her bed when she suddenly heard a knock, Neli felt scared because it was not a knock coming from the door of her room but from the door of her room balcony. She covered herself with a blanket out of fear, because she knows that she couldn't run because of her leg.

She suddenly remembered what her and Grandma had talked about back then, that her life might be in danger as well. What if the person knocking on her door wants to kill her, she was about to scream for help when she suddenly heard someone calling from the outside.


The voice sounds familiar to her.

"Neli, open the door please."


It has been two weeks since she last saw Caleb but according to her father, he was always outside their gate and waited all day for two weeks just to let him in. He also didn't accept all the foods that their security offered and just sat patiently in front of the gate, they also said that he did not attempt or insisted on entering the mansion after he found out that it was her order not to let him in.
She looked at the clock on the table beside her bed and found out that it was past nine o'clock in the evening.

But what is he doing here at this time?

She slowly stood up, she took her crutch and walked towards her balcony door, when she opened the curtain she saw Caleb there. Her heart softened when she saw that he had lost a bit of weight, his beard had also grown as if he didn't care about himself anymore.

"What are you doing here?!" she asked with a frown.

"Open the door first."

She took a deep breath before she opened the door. Maybe he has a reason why he is there now.

"What do you want?"

"I'm so sorry, Neli." he apologized immediately after she open the balcony door. "Please let me explain."

"Sorry? Sorry?!" she said angrily. "Don't you have anything else to say to me other than sorry, Caleb? Why? Did you think that everything will be okay if you apologize to me every time you leave me to go see Hazel? I don't get---. "

She stopped talking when he suddenly hugged her, her knees becoming weak when she heard how loud Caleb's heart was beating. She felt her anger and resentment in her heart slowly disappeared, so she immediately pushed Caleb.

"I will stop saying sorry, but please let me explain."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. She turned her back on him and started walking back to her bed, but Caleb immediately carried her and laid her on the bed. She was even surprised when he lay down next to her, he also spread his arm over her head to be her pillow then hugged her.

"I know Grandma has already told you why Mom and I are close to Hazel, right?" she nodded.

Her heart pounded when Caleb started talking, perhaps tonight is the right time for him to explain everything to her.

"You know Mom and Dad are both lawyers and businessmen, as early as I can remember my life was always in danger because of my parents enemies. I have been kidnapped and tortured many times by the kidnappers and almost hit by a car most of the time when I was young, and there were an incident of assassination as well, but I survived all of that incident because of the people around me, but it caused them their lives."

She felt sad for him because at a young age, Caleb has already experienced traumatic incidents. He saw how people around him lost their lives because of him, she couldn't imagine how much suffering and pain Caleb experienced because of that.

"They lost their lives because it was their job to save mine but it doesn't mean that they have to die. My Nanny also died because of me when I was thirteen, she protected me causing her to be hit by the bullet aimed at me when someone assassinated me, so I promise to myself that I will do everything so that no more life will be lost again because of me and after that, Hazel saved my life. Mom stopped accepting cases as well after that incident and just focused on doing business and since Hazel said that she was an orphan, she was only eleven that time so Mom and I took care of her, we gave her everything that I had because she's one of the reasons why I'm still alive."

Now she understands his concern for Hazel. Caleb doesn't want Hazel to feel that he abandoned her back then, that's why he gives so much attention to her because she's still the person who once saved his life.

Neli just listens to Caleb quietly because she didn't know how she would react to Caleb's story. But she could only say one thing, that if it wasn't for Hazel, she might not be with Caleb right now.

"As time passed, I couldn't stop admiring her, she was younger than me but she still managed to save my life even though it might cost her own life. She was a brave and kind girl, then I found out about Mom's plan to marry me to her, I'm fine with it because she's already my girlfriend that time for four years and I've been known her for almost nine years so I thought nothing will change if I marry her, but you suddenly showed up in our lives. I'm angry with myself because my feelings for Hazel suddenly changed since Grandma introduced me to you, I couldn't explain my feelings when I first saw you that's why I turned my anger and annoyance towards you."

She wanted to speak but she stopped herself, she wanted to tell him that it wasn't the first time that they had met, that their paths had crossed since they were still young. But right now, she just wanted to hear his side first, so she decided to keep quiet.

"I was very angry at you when Hazel called me and asked for help, she almost got raped if I didn't came on time. The man even said that you paid him to do that to Hazel, that's why I threw the divorce paper on you that night."

She covered her mouth and her eyes widened in shock, so the reason why Caleb was angry with her back then was because Hazel said that she ordered someone to rape her?

"I never did that." she raised her face to look at him. "And I will never do that."

"I know." Neli felt him kiss her forehead. "That's why I apologized to you when we were on the shooting, Mel even told me everything when I met her."

She already knew that Mel told him everything.

"The night Mel handed our divorce paper and her resignation, she told me about the text message that you received from me, I was confused because I didn't remember that I sent you a text message that night because I was having a metting with the board of directors that time and I'm leaving my phone on my office everytime I have a board meeting." he hugged her tightly. "So for the first time, I started to doubt that woman and started to investigate. I found out that she came to my office when I was in the meeting and about the incident in the hotel, I immediately broke up with her after that and I learned what the maids did to you and fired them, I made sure they would not get any jobs here in the country."

"But if you two broke up, why did you still went to the hospital?" she asked.

"My assistant called me and said that the hospital called him, he said that she's in the hospital because she suddenly fainted and learned that I'm not on her side when she woke up, so she said if I will not go there she will jump out off the hospital building and suicide."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

He pinched her nose and smiled.

"Because you and Grandma didn't let me explain." he answer. "Now I understand how you feel back then when I didn't even let you explain, it's frustrating when no one wants to listen to you."

She immediately hid her face on his chest when she realized that he was right, that they didn't let him finish what he was going to say.

"I'm sorry." she whispered. "I'm sorry if I didn't listen to you."

"No, I'm the one who should say sorry because I didn't explain properly."

"I'm sorry."

"And I shouldn't have gone to the hospital."

"But Hazel will suicide if you didn't went there."

"That is what I'm thinking as well back then, but when I saw her in the hospital, she doesn't look like she wants to committed suicide."

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