Chapter 15.

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Neli's head immediately throbbed when she opened her eyes, she also felt the pain all over her body when she planned to move. She looked around the room, it seemed like she was inside the hospital room. When she turned to look at the side of her bed, she saw Caleb was sleeping while holding her hand, which surprised her.

What is Caleb doing here?

She remembered what happened to her, they were on their way to his office when a black car hit her so she's probably in the hospital right now.

Neli wanted to pull her hand from him, but she noticed that Caleb was deep asleep so she just let him hold her hand because she didn't want to wake him up and felt tired all of a sudden, she just closed her eyes and rested again.

When Neli woke up again, Caleb was no longer by her side, perhaps what she saw when she woke up earlier that Caleb was sleeping beside her was just a dream. She slowly lifted her body to sit on the bed when she suddenly heard something fall on the floor, she turned around and saw Caleb at the bathroom door looking at her dumbfounded.

"N-Neli?" he said in shock.

Even she was surprised to see him there.

"C-Caleb... what are you--?"

She couldn't finish what she was going to say when she saw him running towards her and hugged her, she felt the pain all over her body because of the way he hugged her tightly but he immediately released her from his embrace.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry." he apologized immediately. "I... I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's fine." she replied, her eyes suddenly widened when she saw him almost in tears. "What... what's wrong?"

She was surprised when he suddenly kissed her forehead.

"Thank God." he said as if he was relieved. "You're finally awake."

She didn't know how to react from what he did, how long has she been unconscious for Caleb to do that, and what is he doing in her room? Is he the one who's taking care of her?


She turned to the door that had just opened, she saw Mel and Camille there who were shocked to see her. Mel immediately ran towards her but Caleb blocked her with his arm.

"Don't hug here." he heard him say.

"Why?" she asked angrily.

"She'll get hurt, do you want her to feel pain?"

The anger disappeared from Mel's face when she looked at her, she just smiled at her as an apology. She doesn't know why she feels the need to apologize for what Caleb said and did to her.

"Okay fine." she removed Caleb's arm and approached her. "Madam, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." she answered. "But my body is still a little sore, can you bring a glass of water?"

Mel immediately poured water into the glass that was on the table by the side of her bed and gave it to her.

"Caleb, I'll clean that." she looked at the place where Camille was when she heard her voice.

"It's fine, Ma'am. I can do it." Caleb answered after picking up the small clothes and basin on the floor, that was probably what she heard falling to the floor earlier. "Stay there by Neli's side while I clean the floor."

The three of them were quiet as they watched Caleb clean the floor because of the water that was spilled there, she never thought that the day would come when she would see the richest man in their country cleaning the floor.

"Who's the boss now?" she heard Mel whisper.

"What is he doing here?" she asked curiously. "How did he know that I'm in the hospital?"

"We're the ones who bring you to the hospital, Madam. I'm sorry." Mel said. "I called him immediately when I saw you lying, I got scared when I heard a loud noise so I immediately looked for you in the parking lot. When I saw you lying on the floor full of blood, I immediately called him for help."

"He's been staying here in the hospital for four days now." Camille added.

"Four days?"

Does that mean she was unconscious for four days?

"And your father spoke to him as well."

"About what?"

"Your father told Caleb to stay away from you because he doesn't want to see you become sad and your life to be in danger again, we were surprised when Caleb suddenly kneel down in front of us and asked for forgiveness." Camille explain. "He also mentioned that he found out everything that happened to you back then and wants to make things right between the two of you."

She smiled a little, so the reason why Caleb is doing all of that is because he found out the truth. Is he regretting everything, that's why he's taking care of her now? But her smiles immediately disappeared when she realized that she couldn't move her right leg, when she removed the blanket, she was shocked to see that her right leg had a cast on it.

Neli wanted to cry at what she discovered.

"A-are you okay, Neli?" Camille asked worriedly.

She didn't answer, she knew to herself that she was not okay. She will lose everything because of what happened to her, even if she returns to New York she is sure that she will not be able to return to her modeling career. She also saw the bruises and wounds on her arms and legs, she got worried that it might leave a scar on her skin.

They turned to Caleb when they heard his phone ring, she saw him immediately answer the call.



"You know what to do and make sure that he will tell everything if he doesn't want to die."

After their conversation, Caleb immediately said that the person who hit her was caught.


"Caleb, I can eat on my own." she said but still took a bite of the food he offered.

"It's better if you don't do anything other than take a rest, so you can recover quickly."


"No buts." he put the spoon with food in front of her mouth again.

Caleb was busy feeding her some sliced apples after she finished her food when his assistant came to her hospital room. Her eyes widened in shock when his assistant came inside without even knocking, she felt embarrassed so she immediately took the slice apple he was holding in front of her mouth because she didn't want his assistant to see that his boss was serving other people.

"I'm sorry Mr. President, I didn't know that Madam was awake." his assistant immediately bowed to apologize to them.

"It's fine, I also told you that you don't have to knock because I don't want to disturb my wife's rest." Caleb explain.

"Nice to meet you, Madam. I'm Mr. President executive assistant, Kim Torres. You can call me Kim."

"Nice to meet you, Assistant Kim." she said and smiled at him.

"So, what did you find out?"

"The person who hits Madam is Raymond Canlas, he is the father of Rhea Canlas who's one of the belle femme models." Caleb's assistant said which surprised her. "The suspect admitted that he did hit Madam with his car and the reason is because she stole the position of being the brand ambassador from his daughter. He said he got worried because his daughter never leaves her room that's why he thought that if Madam dies or disappears, his daughter will be happy and become the belle femme ambassador again."

Neli felt a pain in her chest, she knew the struggles of being a model and she also knew that it is a big honor for every model to become the 'face' of a world-renowned brand. But why does it have to come to the point where she has to suffer because of a decision that she didn't make, she also worked hard for what she has now.

And even though the person who hit her has been caught, she still has doubts. She didn't know why she thought that Hazel had something to do with what happened to her, or maybe she was just paranoid.

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