Chapter 6.

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"Let's go to the next scene!" the director shouted loudly. "Neli, go to the water up to your waist!"

Neli's body stiffened after she heard what the director said, she was already in the part of the sea where the water was above her knees, she suddenly felt scared thinking that she needs to go further. She took a deep breath to calm herself and walked a little further and when she felt the water on her waist, she suddenly remembered the accident that happened to her when she was young. She felt a slight tightness in her chest as if she couldn't breathe, her knees were shaking under the water, she remembered the feeling of drowning while flapping her hands desperately to lift her body out of the water.

"Neli, what's wrong?" it was only then that she caught her breath when she suddenly heard Caleb's worried voice. "Are you okay?"

"Ahh, I-I'm... fine." she answered.

She wanted to calm herself down but she couldn't stop her body from trembling in fear when she looked at the water below her. She didn't know what to do, she didn't want to cause any problems with their shooting but she couldn't move her body.
Neli screamed when she felt someone suddenly lifting her up, when she turned to see who it was, she was surprised to see that it was Caleb.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "Let go of--."

"Stop it." she immediately closed her mouth when she saw the worry on Caleb's face. "You might fall."

She was confused when she felt her body become relaxed, all her fear disappeared all of a sudden while she was in his arms so she just let him carry her until they reached the shore.

"Director Santos, can we just shoot the next scene near the shore?" Caleb asked and the director immediately agreed.

All the crew were happy because their shooting ended early so they still had time to rest, she also needed to take rest and enough sleep as she will do a photoshoot the next day. Their shooting became successful, even though all their scenes were changed because of Caleb and her act but the director was still happy with the outcome and said that he will make their commercial perfect.

When they reached their room in the hotel, Neli felt hungry so they decided to go to the buffet hall to eat their dinner. They were about to enter the buffet hall when she suddenly saw Caleb, he looks like he is waiting for someone there. Until now she still does not know what her ex-husband is doing there, and they even have the same hotel.

"Can I join you for dinner?" he suddenly asked with a smile.

She didn't answer, she just went straight inside the buffet hall. Why would he suddenly want to join them for dinner, when he never did that even once when they were together.

Hazel suddenly entered her mind.

Neli was sure that Hazel would find a way to mess with her again if she finds out that they were together. It's better for her to distance herself from him, after all tonight will be the last time she will see him because he's not part of her photoshoot tomorrow.

She doesn't want trouble anymore and she's happy now with her life without him.

Am I?

She suddenly remembers their scene earlier, their acts are so natural while they are happily playing in the water. Their laughter sounds so genuine that nobody will think that they are just acting, she also noticed that there were some tourists who were watching them but they didn't mind them. She couldn't believe that she could still laugh as hard as she did earlier while they were doing their scene, she also remembered the way he got worried about her and carried her to the shore, perhaps he noticed that she was scared to go to the deep part of the sea.

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