Chapter 4.

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Neli woke up early the next day because they still had to get on the plane to get to their destination. Her shooting will be held in one of the famous beaches in the country, the Boracay.

She was amazed to see the fine white sand and a crystal clear azures water that looked like it was filled with sparkling shining crystals because of the sunlight, she already imagined the outcome of her scene on that paradise island.

The make-up artist immediately did her make-up so they could start, she put a natural look make-up because they had to highlight her lipstick. After applying lipstick, she immediately looked at herself in the mirror, the pink dreamy mauve lipstick really suits her. Since it's her first time endorsing cosmetic products, she wants to start a new make-up trend if possible, and an "I am cool" look with pink shade lipstick is a good choice especially with her natural blush cheeks and sun-kissed scene.

Mel immediately helped her to change and gave her a titan white pastel sleeveless chiton style under the knees dress which is suited well to her goddess-like look.

After she got dressed, she went out of her dressing room without looking at her appearance because she's already satisfied with her make-up and that is what is important to her. Neli couldn't help but notice other people looking at her full of amazement in their eyes which gave her more confidence in herself.

While walking towards their film set, she noticed one of their crew members running towards them.

"W-we have a problem." she said breathless.

Neli was about to ask what she meant when they suddenly heard a faint scream of a group of young women, Neli's whole body stiffened as if cold water had been poured on her when she turned to the people who were screaming and saw her ex-husband was there, and he was heading towards her direction.

She wants to run and disappear but she can't move her own body, as if her body is waiting for Caleb to come closer to her. She saw an unfamiliar gaze on his deep brown eyes when their eyes met, her heart pounded when she saw the longing and sadness in his eyes causing her knees to feel weak. He was still as handsome as he was back then, the feeling that she kept inside the corner of her heart for the past three suddenly came out.

She suddenly heard a loud snap inside her mind and it's like she was brought back to reality.

What feelings Neli, are you stupid?

She had long forgotten any feelings she had before for her ex-husband, but when she got the courage to walk away from him, it was too late because Caleb was already standing in front of her.


She even screamed softly in shock when she saw him in front of her.

"Long time no see..." he said. " wife."

Neli's face became hot in shame, she prayed that he didn't hear her scream, but she immediately frowned when she realized what he said.

"I'm sorry." she said with a poker face. "I think you got the wrong woman."

She was about to leave when Caleb suddenly held her hand causing her to fall on his chest when he suddenly pulled her slightly, she immediately felt his arm wrapped around her waist as if he was hugging her. She looked at him to yell because of what he did, but her anger disappeared when she saw his handsome face and the longing and sadness that she saw on his eyes earlier, disappeared. He even smiled at her like he was happy that he saw her.

"I'm sure I got the right one." she heard him say.

Neli immediately pushed his chest away from her because she got scared that Caleb might have heard her loud heart beat.

"Ahh wait, what's going on?" Neli's eyes widened as she remembered that there was one crew member there. "Ms. Neli, is... are you Mr. Valdez's wife?" the crew asked in surprise but they could see the sparkle on her eyes.



Neli angrily turned to Caleb.

"What did---."

"Perfect!" the crew said happily. "Mr. Valdez, can you be your wife's leading man?"

"Huh?!!" she exclaimed.

Neli was surprised by what the crew member said, she never heard that she needs a leading man in her commercial. But she was even more surprised when Caleb suddenly put his arm around her waist.

"Great, let's go then."


Neli couldn't do anything when Caleb suddenly dragged her to their set.


Mel secretly laughed when she saw her madam and the young master together as they headed to their set, even though it looked more like her madam was being dragged by the young master. She even apologized to God because of what she did, before she followed the two.

It was the Young master Caleb who she saw and talked in the department's store when she was planning to buy a lipstick, according to him his mother, Mrs. Carmen Valdez, asked him to visit one of the newly opened kiosks in that department store and was shocked to find out that Mrs. Carmen's company was a licensed distributor of that brand in their country which Neli is going to endorse. When she told Caleb about Neli being the ambassador of that brand, he was surprised and said that he doesn't have any idea because that is his mother's business.

She told him everything about what she knew because she felt upset when he suddenly said that he wanted to see her madam, she told him how the other maids gave Neli rotten food and dirty clothes. They don't even clean her room and let Neli do the laundry and clean the whole villa and after cleaning, the other maid will make a mess and laugh while they make Neli command them to clean again so she decided to be her personal maid in the villa so that her madam will not do those things again. She also mention that every time they will go to his office, Hazel's people will stop them and will start to insults and humiliation Neli in front of his employees and kicked them out of his company because she just introduced herself as his wife, and in the end that woman will always blame and accuse her madam even she's not doing anything to her.

Mel was stunned when Caleb told her that he already knows everything that happened to Neli back then and said how sorry and regretful he was for not believing in her. He also mentions that he fired all the maids in his villa when he found out about what they did to Neli and broke up with Hazel that's why he wants to see her madam and talk to her, so she thought of an idea to make the two meet and talk.

When they reached the set, she smiled when she saw the two were talking to each other, or like they were fighting like a kid. The director stopped them from fighting and explained that there were few changes in the scene, she couldn't help but laugh when she read the manuscript because now there's a leading man who is happily watching the female lead while she's playing on the beach. Mel could not stop thinking that it was Caleb's idea to change the scene so the two can be together, because she's the one who gave the first manuscript to Caleb and she even sent Neli's schedule to him.

To be honest, Mel wants the two to be together because she knows that they like each other but they just didn't try to communicate with each other and she prefers her madam for the young master more than that bitch. She knew everything that woman had done to her madam, but she couldn't do anything at the time because she had no right to interfere with her madam and young master's affairs because she was just a lowly maid and she also knows that the two just had a misunderstanding and now she think that now is the right time to make her madam and the young master clear their misunderstanding.

Chasing my lovely wife.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ