25 Free at last

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I wanted to write a book. I went to great lengths for it. And look where it got me? Bruised, rivers of tears forever scarred on my face, and a broken heart. I have no idea how I will trust anyone again.

I almost tripped as I stopped running when I was far enough from the house. I let my tears fall freely down my face.

I sobbed uncontrollably for what seemed like hours. I was free. Free at last. But I felt broken. Crippled to my core. Emotionally, and physically. I had no idea if he caused permanent damage, or if my ribs were broken. I wonder what would become of me now.

Theodore pushed my limits. Broke me. Manipulated me. And almost killed me. And what hurt the most no matter how hard I wanted to be false, was that he never loved me.

Fear enveloped me, but the fact that he couldn't get out of there calmed me down.

I ran to my house unlocking the doors in such a hurry I thought for sure my hands would run off from me I was shaking so hard. I started through the window where I first saw him. I felt safe to be at home. But not completely. My phone was burning in that house, and my laptop was dead.

I started charging it. I would call 911 from there. I stared at the fire.

I was still in shock.

Theodore was nowhere to be seen.

I thought about what he had told me... all those years ago. I thought about the poor women he murdered, and how emotionless he had to be to not feel a single thing to continue murdering them like it was a hobby. I thought about all those flowers: all those graves. And his Charlotte.

Despite everything that happened, I felt bad for Thedorore. In a way, it was torture for him too. But now, I wanted to forget him.

Forget his face, his voice, his eyes, his smile, and everything that he did to me.

 I sat in the dress and in the ripped corset. I peeled the clothes off and put them in a plastic bag for evidence when the police would get here. Not that they would ever believe me.

I would just tell them the truth. My truth. Everything. And if it sounded crazy, I didn't care. They would probably assign me a psychiatrist, which I wouldn't mind. I needed help with all the shit I went through.

I felt the smoke from here. It was a sight. The entire mansion was up in flames; roaring; victorious.

And for the longest time, I smiled. Truly smiled. 

Because I was free.

Free at last.


I understood, that you must never let other people dictate the truth for you, or decide how you should feel or act. Freedom is a powerful thing, and you should use it when you have to. And one of the most important things was that in order to be afraid of someone, you allow them to scare you.

Something I would never allow to happen again.

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