5 Terms, Conditions, and Rules

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The first thing Theodore told me to do was to move in. I thought it was strange as I had just gotten my own house, but that was the deal.

Theodore also told me to not bring anything because he had everything. I wasn't sure how much was everything. But I'm sure he meant it.

I looked around my new room: the bed was in the center of the far bed wall, decorated with a duvet and lush Pillows. The corner of the room had a fairly large mirror with a golden. Everything about this room was vintage.

On one of the walls stood a white wardrobe that had all sorts of Victorian-looking dresses.

I sat down on her bed, admiring the room - yes: this is definitely inspiring.

"How do you like it?" Theodore asked, popping his head into my room.

"I love it - Thank you," I said as I faced him.

Theodore smiled, "Of course. Now, I can take you on a tour of the rest of the place and talk about the terms you agreed to and explain other rules. 

 "We'll start downstairs. Follow me." He gestured.


"This is the entrance, where you can see the grand staircase on display, with carpet imported from England trailing down its mahogany steps ." 

I gazed around and then he beckoned me to follow him.

"This is the parlor, preferably where Madam liked to have her tea."

"Liked? Meaning she doesn't anymore?" I asked.

"Madam doesn't come down a lot. Very rarely nowadays. She's getting old so she stays in her room all day. I bring her breakfast and still make sure to clean the entire house."

I nodded and he continued, "Right here is the corset room." He said pointing at it and passing it.

My curiosity got the best of me, "We're not going to go in there?" I asked.

He turned around and smiled, "I don't want you to feel intimidated."

He continued walking past it, and I couldn't feel anything but intimidated.

He showed me the library, which I was really excited about- each book was from the 1800s! It was a sight.

He also showed me the upstairs, which had 3 bathrooms in total, pointed at Madam's door, and told me to never go in there, he showed me his room which was a neat mahogany bed with plain blue covers and a desk in the corner. He also showed me the ballroom, which had a quartz floor and pillars at the side. It made me feel like a princess for a second.

He lead me to the kitchen to the long dining table where we sat down and he started telling me the terms and conditions.

"Okay, I would like to finally talk about the terms and conditions of your working here." Theodore started.

I swallowed.

"First, of all, I will call you Lily-Ann, as Madam has cameras and prefers traditional-sounding names. I would also like to know your last name to keep in the records that you worked here."

"Okay," I agreed, "And it's Nelson'. Lily Nelson."

"Great Lily-Ann Nelson. I'll add that to the record book." He smiled amusingly, his eyes glinting.

I blushed. I kind of like "Ann" added to my name.

"Number two, you will wear a corset at all times, and you will wear what I provide every single day. It will be work-appropriate and traditional as well."

I nodded at that. I had never worn a corset before and was unsure about how I would feel wearing one.

"Thirdly, you will do as you're told. Meaning when I tell you to do something, you go and do it without hesitation." He paused noticing my reaction, looking me straight in the eyes.

This felt a little off. What is this supposed to be? It sounded kind of sexual. I don't know how to feel about this.

 "For example, if I tell you to stop sweeping and prepare food instead, you will do that right away."

I relaxed. Okay. He meant what he said - there's nothing sexual.

I noticed him smile again, probably noticing that I looked uncomfortable, "I know that these rules sound intimidating, but I promise that follow them the same way."

I gave him a tight smile and he continued.

"There is no swearing permitted, ever, which also brings us to a rule that you must act like a lady. Meaning speak only when you're spoken to only, wear what you're given, answer in full sentences- don't nod or mumble, be polite and respectful, and have eyes on me when I'm talking. Understand?"

I nodded. Then I realized my mistake. I closed my eyes and said "Yes."

When I opened them, I repeated "Yes."

He smiled satisfied, "Good." And continued.

I messed up twice. 

"Then there's the obvious: do your job, and I'll tell you what to clean each day and where. Your bedtime will be decided by me, and you are to go to sleep immediately- Madam wants to make sure to trust you. You are also not allowed to leave- everything is here, and if you need something, simply notify me. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are kindly paid for by Madam, and sometimes you or I can make the food. " He paused looking at me, then continued.

"There should also be no secrets between us. None. Everything should be professionally done. And you are to address me directly when you speak to me. Any questions?" He mused.

I paused, thinking, "May I at least bring my phone and diary?"

"You may bring your diary - but not your phone. Madam does not permit any technology in the house."

"Okay, then I'll just grab my diary, and I'll be right back." I lied.

Seriously? No phone? No technology? What does the poor old woman do all day? Read books? I mean reading books is great, but seriously... I guess she's just as traditional as Theodore says she is... but she does have cameras - I wanted to ask Theodore about that, but I decided not to push it. There's no way I'm going to leave my phone at home - what if something happens? Does this mean Theodore doesn't even have a phone?  Maybe I'd ask him tomorrow. Because now I had a million questions.

"How about you get it tomorrow?  It's getting quite late, so it's best to head to bed."

It was only 9 pm.

"Okay." I agreed, a little annoyed, but I kept my demeanor calm.

"We start our routine tomorrow." He said walking away.

What routine?




Hey everyone, thanks for reading. I take my time to write and edit, so if you could at least leave on comment and state your thoughts on the book so far it would mean a lot. Please make sure to comment and vote! Thank you, and happy reading!

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