Chapter 18

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Walking up to Ky, Otto reached out his hand, which Ky promptly grabbed and shook as he said,

"It's a pleasure to meet you to Overseer."

Letting go of Ky's hand, Otto said,

"I must admit, I was a little skeptical whether or not I should let you join Schicksal. Only with the insistence of my lovely granddaughter did I decide to let you join, and I don't think I'm going to regret that decision."

Responding to Otto, Ky said,

"I appreciate the sincerity Overseer, I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."

Turning towards the direction of Asuka, Otto said,

"If you don't mind, I would like to have a private conversation with Mr. Kiske."

Replying to the Overseer, Asuka said,

"Not a problem Overseer," gesturing to the other researchers as they left the room, leaving only him, Ky and the white haired lady left in the room. Taking a couple paces away from Ky, Otto said,

"The reason why I wanted to talk to you is your position within Schicksal, I've received a report of your abilities, and you've far exceeded my expectations. You've displayed skill far beyond most of the valkyries that are your age. Strength, on par with A-rank valkyries, and from your training sessions, speed that puts even our best valkyries to shame. Along with your skills with magic, you appear to be quite the fighter."

Performing a quick bow, Ky said,

"Thank you Overseer, but I would rather have you skip the flattery and get straight to the point."

Letting out a small chuckle, Otto said,

"Alright then, your position in Schicksal will be an A-rank valkyrie," turning around so he was now facing Ky, "you will also not be apart of any valkyrie squad and will be directly reporting to me or anyone I designate shall I not be available."

Taking a few moments to process the information, Ky said,

"Excuse me, what do you mean by not apart of a valkyrie squad? As far as I'm aware, there are no valkyries that aren't apart of a team. I'm fairly certain that even S-ranks are apart of a valkyrie teams!"

"Where then that's not the case anymore. But if this comforts you, when you go on missions most of the time you will be joining another valkyrie squad."

"Before we continue, I must ask, why are you doing this. I've only been apart of Schicksal for a week. I now I'm a skilled warrior, but there's no way that I'm good enough to warrant something like this."

Getting right up to Ky's face, Otto's eyes darkened as he said,

"I'm going to be completely honest with you, I don't want you to be apart of Schicksal. We have no idea who you are, and I would rather not take the risk of you potentially being an enemy. Only  at the insistence of my granddaughter did you even have a chance of joining."

Not backing down, Ky matched Otto's gaze as his voice hardened as he said,

"I could care less that you don't want me to be apart of Schicksal. What I care about is your intentions, no one in their right mind would appoint an unproven member to a position like that."

Opening his mouth to come up with a retort, Ky immediately cut Otto off as he said,

"Before you began spouting nonsense, I know full well what kind of weight someone going into battle holds. You intend to watch me, discover what my abilities are, find a counter, perhaps even create weapons based off them, but once you don't need me all you need to is dispose me and declare it as some sort of accident. And because I'm alone know one could counter your statement."

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