Chapter 11

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Once Ky had gotten into position Testament pulled a long measuring tape out of their bag and began measuring the length of Ky's limbs. Measuring the arms first and marking the length, they repeated the process for the legs before saying, 

"So how are you enjoying St. Freya's so far. " 

Moving his arms up to allow Testament to wrap the measure around his arms he said, 

"It's been fine. The people I've meet seem nice." 

Switching arms Testament said, 

"That's good. It wouldn't be good for you to be miserable when you've only been here for a day." 

Letting out a small chuckle Ky said. 

"Let's hope it stays that way." 

Wrapping the measure around Ky's waist Testament said to him, 

"Don't think that way, not every situation is going to end up as the worst possibility." 

Sighing, Ky said,

"I know. But sometimes it's hard not to think like that." 

Shifting down to Ky's legs,

"I understand, but you're not constantly fighting for your life anymore. Besides you're now going to be surrounded by a bunch of cute girls now." 

Looking down to where Testament was Ky let out a surprised, 


Getting up from the position that they were in Testament said to Ky, 

"You now exactly what I mean by that. I mean just look at who you're going to be living with." 

Turning away from Testament, Ky had a very visible blush that spread all over his face. Knowing how Ky would react, Testament couldn't help to let out a small laugh as they pulled a coat out of their bag. Handing Ky the coat they said, 

"Only teasing you, I don't expect you to do anything like that. And put that on as well, that's the closest one I have to your size." 

Putting the coat on, Testament began inspecting how Ky looked to see if anything needed to be adjusted. Noticing that the coat was broader than Ky's shoulders, Testament motioned for Ky to take it off as they said, 

"I'm going to need to make the coat smaller," marking a piece of paper that they pulled out of their bag, "I have a pair of pants that will fit you and I'll be able to supply you a suitable amount of body suits for you as well." 

Putting the jacket that he wore earlier Ky asked Testament, 

"Are the pants going to be short pants or long pants?" 

Marking another thing from their paper, 

"For you I'll be able to give you long pants, and I take that you'll want the colors to be white, black, and blue." 

"That would be correct." 

Exiting Ky's room both of them entered the living room where Testament approached Theresa. Seeing that they are finished Theresa put down her manga as she spoke to Testament, 

"All done?" 

"We are." 

"When can we expect it to be finished?" 

"If I only focus on it then it could be done by Monday. If I don't then expect it to be done by Friday." 

"Monday would be the preferred day." 

"Understood, you shall get it then." 

"That is much appreciated." 

Testament proceeded to walk out of the dorm and eventually disappear out of sight. Closing the door Theresa went back to reading her manga in the couch. Going up to her Ky said, 

"Theresa, I would like for you to cancel the order for my battle suit." 

Putting her manga down Theresa responded, 

"Why is that?" 

"I believe that my Sacred Order uniform performs its job well enough." 

"Are you sure, the one you're going to given is fitted with equipment that will be useful in the field." 

"I understand that, but my uniform is specifically designed to increase my fighting proficiency. I looked over what the form had and the battle suit won't fit how I fight."

Seeing how dead set Ky was on his decision, Theresa said, 

"Fine, I'll make sure to put in that you'll won't need a battle suit made." 

Bowing his head at Theresa,

"That would be much appreciated." 

Ky began walking back to his room when Theresa said,

"You're free for the rest of the day, is there anything else that you would like to do." 

Turning to Theresa Ky said, 

"No, there's nothing else. Just going to spend some time reading." 

Turning back around to continue to his room as Theresa went back to reading. Entering his room  Ky closed the door and grabbed the Magical Theory and a Compilement of All Known Magic Spells from where he had left it. Opening the book to a page Ky began reading the contents.

After he had memorized the contents of the page, Ky put the book down and began muttering incomprehensible words. Once he had finished reciting the words from the book, Ky held out his hand and a blue semi-translucent barrier could be seen. 

Lowering his hand down Ky went up to the barrier, but before he could come close enough to touch it, the barrier dispelled. Now feeling incredibly drained after performing the spell, Ky went back to where he was sitting and said, 

"I think I'm going to need to practice some more." 

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