Chapter 7

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Once Ky had finished going through the book, he brought it to the checkout desk and without a second though the librarian checked out and sent him on his way.


This book contains knowledge about magic that even the Sacred Order doesn't have. There are a great many powerful spells that would be incredibly useful, the most useful in my opinion would be Absolute Defense: Felion. 

It is described as a nigh invincible barrier that protects from all manner of attacks. Certainly useful on the battlefield and to protect civilians. But was more interesting was some of the concepts within the book. Things that are believed to be not possible are stated be within the realm of possibility are said to be possible. 

Manipulation of time, creating things out of nothing, transformation of lifeforms, and spiritual connections. While of these were certainly interesting, what stood out the most was a ritual that allowed for people to enter a space known as the Sea of Quanta. A place where an innumerable amount of what are called bubble universe's. 

What the author would've wanted with these bubble universe's, I wouldn't be able to guess. But they were most certainly interested in the Sea of Quanta. 

And then I felt a presence, as if someone was watching me. Someone incredibly powerful, far more powerful than anything I had ever encountered before. Scanning the are to find any sort of clue, whether a physical form, traces of Honkai energy, or the presence of magic. But there was nothing, nothing that could give me a clue about what was watching me. Whatever it was, it was long gone now.  

Continuing back to the dorms, I couldn't shake the feeling of the dread that had come over me. I had to find out what that thing was, its presence alone tells me that it is dangerous and could be a threat to humanity.

 3rd person POV

Making it back to his dorm Ky entered to see the people that he would be living with finishing their breakfast. Walking in and putting the book onto the counter he takes a seat at the table. Theresa once again being the first person to speak said, 

"There you are Ky, we were wondering where you were." 

"Good morning Theresa, I had woken up early and decided to go to the library." 

Mei coming out of the kitchen asked Ky, 

"Would you like something to eat? There is still some left over." 

Waving his hands in front of himself Ky responded,

"I'm fine, I already ate before I left. Though the offer is appreciated." 

Immediately after hearing this Kiana jumped out of her seat ran toward the kitchen yelling, 

"I'll take what's left!"

Himeko who was sitting at the head of table asked Ky, 

"You have a couple of day's before you officially start classes at St. Freya. Is there anything that you would like to do before that?" 

"Well I already visited the library. I suppose I would like to visit the training rooms, I suspect that I will be using them quite often and I would like to familiarize myself with them." 

Theresa who was listening in cut in with,

"I guess we could go there later. It would be a good idea for you to know what you're working with." 

Kiana who had got her food was looking at the book the Ky had picked up from the library, 

"Magical Theory and a Compilement of All Known Magic Spells." putting her plate down and leaned toward she said too Ky, "what are you, some nerd who likes magic?" 

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