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Saturday 27th April, 1980

I looked at myself in the mirror as Dorcas did the final touches on my hair. I looked beautiful, with my hair in a bun and flowers dotting throughout it. With my white dress and the bouquet of flowers put to the side that I'd soon be holding, I was ready.

I looked down, putting my hand on my stomach where the barest hint of a bump was. My lips curled into a smile and I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Dorcas, Marlene, Mary, Pandora, and Lily were also in my room with me, the last who was also expecting her own child in a few months, her bump much more obvious than mine.

The girls did their best to calm me down, but I was still panicking by the time my father came in the room to get ready to walk me down the aisle. Monty let out a breath as he looked at me, smiling brightly with wet eyes.

"You look gorgeous, Y/n," he said.

I smiled at him as the girls left the room to get ready for the ceremony. He brought me into a hug, and I stayed there for as long as I could before eventually we headed downstairs where the entrance to the backyard was. We decided to host our wedding here, since we had more than enough room, and my parents were desperate to help out and be a part of it.

I took a deep breath as I peeked out from behind the curtain, watching as the ceremony began. I could see the faint outline of Regulus standing at the end of the aisle, with Sirius, his best man, next to him and the rest of his groomsmen, Remus, Avery, and Pandora, next to Sirius. I smiled at the sight of Pandora in a suit, looking absolutely stunning.

Evan and Barty were the first to walk down the aisle, throwing flower petals as they went, because they were the flower girls. After them was James, my maid of honour, followed by Lily, Mary, Marlene and Dorcas, the rest of my bridesmaids. Finally Peter, the ring bearer, walked down the aisle with the rings, and then before I knew it, it was my turn.

"Ready?" Monty asked me.

I took a deep breath, briefly closing my eyes as I gathered my courage. When I opened them, I looked at my father with a smile. "Yeah."

With Monty by my side, out arms linked, we walked through the curtain and into the light. Everyone was standing, looking at me with smiles and tears, and I tried not to feel too nervous. My gaze travelled across the guests, the white chairs and the bows tied to them, the beautiful white arch with flowers entwined through it, before finally landing on Regulus, the very sight of him taking my breath away.

He looked beautiful, with his hair immaculately neat, his face glowing, and his suit clean and tidy. I stared at him, and it was as if everyone else melted away. I walked over the rose petals, through the aisle without so much as a glance at anything else. My gaze was firmly upon Regulus, and I barely noticed when Monty passed me to Regulus, our hands tangling together as we looked at each other with smiles and flushed cheeks.

The ceremony was a blur, and the only things I really cared about was the way Regulus had looked at me when he put the ring on my finger, or the way he had kissed me like it was the first ever time and he was exploring my mouth all over again, getting to know my lips like he'd never felt them before.

It had been beautiful, and afterwards we had made our way to the ballroom where the reception was being held. I grinned at Regulus, holding his hand as we made our way to the dance floor for our first dance together as a married couple.

"I can't believe we're married," I said as we swayed to the beat, his hands on my waist and mine around his neck.

Regulus grinned. "I certainly can. I've been waiting to call you my wife for years now."

I laughed, resting my head against his chest as I surveyed the rest of the room. Effie and Monty were dancing together, as were Remus and Sirius, James and Lily, Barty and Evan, Marlene and Dorcas, Avery and Frank, Narcissa and Alice, and Mary and Pandora who had gotton together in their last year of school.

I looked back at Regulus and tilted my head to kiss him again, feeling a rush go through me as I kissed my husband. My husband. It felt too good to be true, but it was. Regulus Black was my husband, and nothing would change that.

After our dance, the father and daughter dance commenced and I danced with my father, the two of us stumbling through the song because we were both terrible dancers.

"I'm so proud of you," Monty said, teary eyed.

I smiled. "Thanks Dad."

"And I can't wait for all the grandchildren you'll give us."

I laughed, embarrassed, and shook my head. When the song finally ended, the mother and son dance was announced. I watched as Regulus looked around, panicked, before Effie walked forward and held out her hand. Regulus gave her a shaky smile and started dancing with her. I watched him throughout the whole song, noticing quite a few tears as he and Effie danced.

After that, Regulus and I sat down as the toast were made. Both James and Sirius talked about how great it was that we were married, because now they were related to each other through marriage. Everyone else had many other stories, some of them very embarrassing and some so lovely my heart melted.

Eventually it was time to throw my bouquet, and as all the girls and Sirius gathered behind me, I made eye contact with Regulus and grinned before throwing the flowers in the air. I turned around just in time to see Sirius put his hand on someone's face to propel him high enough to catch the flowers in his hands. I laughed as he grinned at me before sending Remus a wink.

When everything had calmed down, and people were dancing and eating and content, Regulus tugged on my hand and started leading me out of the room. I followed him silently, wondering where he was taking me as he walked outside and stopped at the arch we got married under.

The place looked different when it was dark and just us. Everything seemed more special, more magical, and I turned my attention to Regulus with a smile.

"So, why'd you bring me out here?" I asked.

Regulus smiled. "I have something for you."

I watched as Regulus rummaged through his pockets before taking out a small, velvet box. He handed it over to me and I opened it. Inside was a beautiful silver necklace with a f/c gemstone in the middle, an exact replica of the one I was wearing right now, the one he had given to me all those years ago at Christmas.

"Turn it around," he told me.

I did as he said and smiled softly when I read the initials engraved on the back.


Y/n Euphemia Black.

"Thank you," I said, already undoing my current necklace and putting on the new one. I gently placed my old necklace into the velvet box and Regulus put it in his pocket for safe keeping. I moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I gently pressed our foreheads together.

"You're mine," I whispered.

Regulus smiled, leaning in to kiss me on the lips. As he did so, he murmured against my lips.

"I'm yours."

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