Chapter 52

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Thursday 22nd April, 1977

The marauders were upset the holidays were ending soon, always complaining about it whenever I saw them. I was upset, but for an entirely other reason. I'd been so preoccupied with my moping and sadness that I hadn't done any of the homework I'd been assigned over the holidays, so now I was desperately trying to finish all the work in the last two days of break at the café I'd taken to going to everyday.

"Y/n, where you going?" James asked when I went downstairs fully dressed with a satchel of books.

"To study at the café," I answered, already moving towards the door.

Sirius stepped in front of me, crossing his arms and giving me a pouty face. "Stay home with us, won't you?"

I snorted. "Absolutely not."

"Please?" James asked. "Break is nearly over!"

"Yes, so I need to hurry up and finish my homework. I have O.W.L.s this year, remember?"

Sirius waved has hand airily, as if what I said was inconsequential. "You'll ace them, I already know it. Come on Y/n/n. Please?"

I sighed, trying to ignore the temptation bubbling up inside me. I could sacrifice a few hours of hanging out with the marauders, couldn't I? I'd still have plenty of time today to finish it, plus tonight and the train ride.

Just as I was about to say yes, Effie walked into the room, took one look at the scene currently unfolding and frowned. "Sirius, James. Don't stop your sister from studying. Y/n, go study."

I sighed again, knowing it was for the best but still feeling disappointed and bid goodbye to my family, starting the walk to the Muggle café. When I arrived I slid into the seat I normally sat at and took out some of my books, as well as a fresh piece of parchment and an ink and quill. I was supposed to be writing an essay on potion theory, but I wasn't too good at potion theory.

I had just let out a frustrated groan and aggressively crossed out a mistake in my essay when the bell on the shop door jingled, indicating someone had entered. I distractedly glanced up, wondering if I could pay James to do my homework for me when I stopped dead.

The person who had entered the café was none other than Regulus Black.

My heart was hammering in my chest. I felt like I was going to throw up. I wanted to run away. I wanted to hug him. I wanted to hide. I wanted to scream. I wanted, I wanted, I wanted.

I didn't do any of that. Instead, I sat frozen, watching as Regulus's eyes seemed to scan the café before they landed on me. I expected him to turn around and walk again, but instead a broad smile appeared on his face and he strode right towards me.


He walked forward until he was in front of me and then sat in the chair opposite me. My brain wasn't working. It had just stopped. Zero thoughts raced through my mind and I just stared at him, dumbstruck. His hair was black and curly, less neat than the last time I saw him but still in acceptable form. He still had bags under his eyes, but the way his eyes seemed to be shining lessened the severity of them.

My heart leapt into my throat as I stared at him, and suddenly a thousand thoughts were going through my mind instead of none. What was he doing here? Why did he seem so happy? Why was he staring at me with fondness and not hate? Why did he look so good? What was happening? Did I do something? Did he do something? Is he there to murder me?

"Hi," Regulus greeted with a smile.

Hi? Hi?

"Hi?" I responded hesitantly back.

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