Chapter 01

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Monday 1st September, 1976

Platform 9 ¾ was a busy place. Parents were bidding weepy goodbyes to their children, teenagers were meeting up with friends again, causing quite the racket, and through it all there I stood, staring at the Hogwarts Express with a mix of fondness and excitement.

It was my fifth year at Hogwarts, so I should've been used to it by now, and yet every time my gaze landed on the scarlet train, I felt myself go back to my first year; a giddy eleven-year-old ready to learn magic.

Like always, my brother was next to me, and my parents as well, fussing over us and making sure we had everything we needed.

"...and we'll owl you anything you forgot tomorrow, okay? Y/n, are you listening?"

Pain erupted in my skull as James hit me in the back of the head, gesturing to our mother. I rubbed the injury, scowling at my brother as I turned to Euphemia Potter.

"Yes, mum, I'm listening," I said, shooting James a glare.

He grinned at me, ruffling his jet-black hair with his hand, making it even messier than it was. His blue eyes shone with mischief behind his glasses, as they always did when we left for school.

"As you should be," my mother answered. "And James Potter, do not hit your sister."

Euphemia was a kind person in general, but as a mother she had the tendency to be terrifying at times, like right now.

"Sorry mum, won't do it again," James lied sincerely.

"I highly doubt that," I muttered.

My dad, Fleamont, sighed, shaking his head.

"Can't you kids get along just this once?" he asked us imploringly.

"We do get along, don't we Y/n/n?" James said, ruffling my hair.

I swatted his hand away and attempted to fix the mess my brother had made my hair into. The train whistled, my eyes immediately darting to the transport, excitement milling inside me.

"Y/n you are not getting on that train without hugging your own mother goodbye," Euphemia warned.

"I know, I know," I said, moving towards her.

As soon as I got into range, my mother's arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. I sighed in contentment, relaxing into the hug. For all my want to go to Hogwarts, this would always be what I missed most when I was there.

James and I swapped parents as we finished the hug and my dad enveloped me into a warm embrace. I took a deep breath, inhaling his smell, a large comfort in itself. I pulled away just as James did, our gazes landing on each other. Even though I was a year younger than him, we were so alike we could be twins. We were even told we walked the same way.

"Goodbye," Euphemia called as we started running to the train. "Be good! I'm talking to you James!"

James laughed from beside me but didn't stop his sprint to the train. My eyes darted from him to the train as I sped up, attempting to win the race that had started between us. Unfortunately, James had always been the sporty one of the two of us, playing quidditch and running around with our dad, while I preferred to curl up on the couch with a book or help our mum with dinner.

So it was to no one's surprised when James managed to get on the train first, yet I was still disappointed and shoved him aside with my shoulder as I walked past. I received another smack in the back of my head in return.

I turned around, fists raised, when my wrists were caught in a steel grip and I looked up to find Remus staring down at me, lips twitching into a smile.

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