Chapter 34

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Wednesday 13th January, 1977

Regulus and I passed our Transfiguration project with flying colours. Professor McGonagall was very impressed with how much work we'd done, especially when we'd performed the Animagus transformation spell on her, changing her from her cat Animagus form to her human one.

It was lunch and I was recounting our presentation to my friends.

"And now I just have to pass O.W.L.s," I finished.

Sirius grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it lightly. "You did great. I have the utmost faith in you for O.W.L.s."

I smiled, looking down and feeling my cheeks heat up as the others on the table voiced their agreement.

The rest of the day passed rather quickly, and I decided to spend my last class, a free period, in the library doing my homework. I worked diligently, determined to finish this essay for Defence Against the Dark Arts before the day finished. I had just finished my fourth paragraph when footsteps headed towards my table caught my attention.

Lifting my head up, I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face when I found Regulus walking towards me. When he noticed my gaze, his lips curved into a smirk and he continued his walk towards me at a leisurely pace, keeping his eyes on me at all times.

I waited eagerly for him to reach my table, foot tapping the floor impatiently, only for Regulus to take a sudden turn and disappear into one of the many aisles in the library. I frowned, confused, until I remembered that other people existed. Looking at Regulus, everything else always seemed to fade away and I had completely forgotten that we were supposed to be a secret.

Feeling my cheeks heat, I quickly left my desk and headed for the aisle Regulus disappeared behind, my homework laying forgotten on the table. I walked through the shelves, expecting to find Regulus waiting for me, that familiar smirk curled on his face, possibly leaning against one of the shelves, but no one was there.

I frowned, feeling myself deflate a little as my eyes scanned the dead end of the aisle in front of me, only for there to be no Regulus Black in sight. I looked around, wondering where he could have gone, when I felt two arms wrap firmly around my waist. I smiled as I felt Regulus's lips brush me cheek before placing his head in the crook of my neck, his black hair tickling my face.

"Hello," I said quietly.

"Hi," Regulus mumbled into my skin.

I hesitated before speaking, noticing the way Regulus seemed to be hiding himself in the curve of my neck. His shoulders were tense, and I didn't want to say anything that could potentially make things worse, so I stayed quiet, knowing my presence was help enough.

And it was. Slowly, Regulus's shoulders drooped as he relaxed, breathing more deeply, his arms holding my waist loosening just a little bit more with every passing second. I waited until Regulus pulled back before I turned around to look at him.

"You okay?" I asked as my eyes scanned his face. There were bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, but there were always bags under his eyes. His hair was a bit more tousled than normal, his curls looking less tamed and more like my brother's constant mess he calls hair, though not even close to that level of dishevelment.

Regulus gave me a small smile as he answered. "I am now. I was just having a bad day and missed you."

His words, how freely he said them, warmed me inside out. I couldn't help but grab his tie and tug him closer to which Regulus grinned and complied eagerly, pressing himself up against me. Satisfied with the lack of space, I tilted my head upwards, Regulus doing the same, and our lips met with a sigh, pleased to be reunited once more.

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