She's Gone

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Colten's POV

I'm sitting in my living room watching tv when I get a phone call from Joel.

"What's up?"

"Rose is gone!" Joel shouted.

"What?! How the fuck is she gone?"

Joel continued, "we don't know but get your ass over to her house."

I yelled for Sophie, "Rose is gone!" I hear a crash upstairs and then running as she sprinted down the stairs. She didn't ask any questions as I hopped in my old Ford F-150 and peeled out of the driveway and took the familiar route to her house.

I barely had the truck in park before I hopped and took off inside her house. I ignored everyone, including her parents and ran into what I assumed was her room based on the scent. Gone. There's only an old rag on the ground. With my heightened senses I can smell trace amounts of chloroform. My Rose is gone. With a growl I stalked back downstairs to meet with everyone.

Brent spoke first, "the only thing we have to go off of is this letter stating that she was promised. I think we need to start at the orphanage where she was dropped off as a baby."

Mrs. Canto spoke, "the name of the orphanage is Small Crest Foundation but it's all the way in Texas. I can give you the address." She looked through some papers in a safe until she found what she was looking for, adoption paperwork. "Please bring our baby back to us." She pleaded. "I know none of you are her friends, you're something more. I can see it in your eyes."

I just nod and walk away for a minute to think. After 4 years of wondering if I'll ever have a mate, I finally meet Rose just to have her ripped away from me. I'm already addicted to her smile, her strawberry shampoo she uses, her angelic voice. I need her.

I felt a hand on my arm, "we'll find her big bro." Sophie assured me. I turn to look at all the determined faces around me. With this many mates it will take a miracle to hide her from us. I'll see you soon my love. He better not harm a single hair on your head.

Rose's POV

*cough cough*

I regain consciousness in an unfamiliar room. The bedding, furniture, even the walls are various shades of grays. On wobbly feet I stand up from the bed and trudge slowly towards the closest door. Damn, it's just a closest. The next door is a bathroom so I assume the last door leads out. When I go to turn the handle it won't move. I'm locked in.

"Hello! Is anyone out there! Help!" I shout and bang on the door.

Nothing but silence greets me. I pace the room and try to think. I notice I'm still in my nightshirt and panties. I'm relieved that all my clothes seem to be in place.

"Hello Rose."

I hear a voice but there's no one there. I look around slowly trying to place the voice.

"Up here sweetheart."

The voice is coming from a corner on the room near the ceiling, it then that I finally notice a camera with a blinking red light.

"I have some business to attend to but I'll be home soon, love. Be good while I'm gone. And by the way no one can hear you, we are very well isolated."

I flip off the camera and huff my way to the bed. What kind of creep has a camera in the room? I plop on my back and stare at the ceiling wondering how this happened.

Unknown's POV

I turn from the monitors that are watching Rose laying on the bed pouting. Heh heh she's adorable when she pouts. She doesn't realize it but she'll be with me willing soon. I face the witch across from my desk, "when will you be able to do the ceremony?" I ask.

"When the moon is full I'll be able to harness the energies of the spirits and break the seal that's been placed on her. This spell is strong, whoever cast it likely was of royal bloodline."

"So possibly a relative of yours?" I inquired.


"Do you have the potion? I will also need it replenished each month."

"Here you go," she passed me the potion, "make sure she has 3 drops in her water exactly every 30 days. If you miss a dose you risk her gaining her memories."

I pocketed the product and threw a bundle of cash at Wilma. "Thanks for this. I won't forget this favor you've done for me." I assured her.

I turn back to watch the monitor and Rose is still laying across the bed, staring at the ceiling.

The moment I've been waiting my whole life for is here. I've spent the last few years building my fortune with real estate buy and sells, and spending time in clubs with numerous women but none of them were Rose. She's finally mine. When the full moon hits we will be able unseal her powers and then she will truly be a vision of power and beauty.

I turn off the monitor and exit my office. I strut down the hall until I reach the room that Rose is in. I unlock the door and head inside to see my love.

Rose's POV

I hear the door creak open and I notice a figure approach from the shadows. My jaw dropped. The first thing I notice is his eyes. One eye is green, one eye is blue. I feel hypnotized staring into his eyes. His lip twitches like he's amused and then I notice the rest of him. He has jet black hair that spirals into a symphony of waves and curls that hang slightly over his forehead and above his brows. His face is smooth shaven and his body is lean but muscular. His 3 piece suit seems to be tailored to kiss every inch of his body.

"Why am I here?" I try to ask bravely, but my voice cracked at the end.

"Because you were promised to me." He chuckled.

He hands me a cup of water. "Drink up love, you must be thirsty from all the yelling you've done." I take the water and sniff it suspiciously. When I don't smell anything I practically chug the whole cup. He wasn't kidding, I really was thirsty.


I felt a sharp pain in my head that shocked me and I dropped the glass. My vision became blurry as I struggled to recall what I was just doing.

"Rose, sweetheart are you ok?" A deep husky voice asked me. I turned to see a gorgeous man smiling down at me.

"Yes I'm ok now. Ummm...I'm sorry I seem to have forgotten your name."

"Don't worry about it love, the doctor said this is normal. My name is Mason and we're lovers."

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