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Word Count: 1980


I stare into the mirror, hating what looks back.

Today is my wedding day. This afternoon I will be wed to Caspian, and I will be a Princess in his territory. To make matters worse, I'll be moving in here full time.

And there will be no avoiding Caspian.

My door swings open, my father striding in.

"Today is the day," I muse, brushing at a few stray hairs that have fallen from my up-do. Two girls spent three hours getting me ready, and now I'm exhausted.

My eyes drift to where my dress hangs. I hate it. I hate this entire time experience.

"You were born for this, daughter," father exclaims, adjusting the lapels of his jacket.

"I just hope I'll be happy," I breathe.

I don't seem to have the energy to force a smile onto my face right now. Instead, I look solemn, like the life has been sucked out of me overnight. Father doesn't seem to notice, though.

"I'm going to miss you around the manor." He rests his hands on my shoulders, meeting my gaze in the mirror.

I swing around in my chair, looking up at him.

"Do you ever wish I could have lived a normal life. That you could have?"

"We always wish for what we can't have. It's a part of life," he responds tightly, shifting uncomfortably.

We have had this conversation before, and each time it becomes more manicured for my ears. I don't want to see it as a tactic of manipulation because I love my father.

At this point, he's all I have left.

"That doesn't answer my question," I clip, raising a brow expectantly, grimacing a little at the tight feeling of makeup pulling at my skin. I wish it were a little more breathable, although the girls wouldn't have it.

It is best practice for me to look like the painted manikin Caspian wants me to be, that he can fashion into whatever he pleases.

"No Kiva. I enjoy the power I have. You should to."

I sigh though my nose. "Maybe."

I don't enjoy the power. Father equates it to the truest freedom there is, while to me, it feels like chains wrapping tighter and tighter around me.

He strides over, kissing the top of my head. "I'll see you down there, alright."

I nod mutely, watching him head toward the door. He seems so happy to see me married off that it kind of hurts.

Ark steps into the room just as my father leaves.

I watch them exchange silent glances. Once my father is gone though, Ark's expression morphs into one of disgust.

"I hate the way you look at my father," I mutter, glaring at him as he closes the door.

"Never seen pure hatred before?" He rubs his gloved hands together, approaching me. He doesn't look dressed for a wedding, but that is because he isn't attending as a guest.

He will be there, in the shadows, ensuring that no harm comes to me or Caspian.

"You still haven't told me why you hate him and yet work for him?" I bring up, stalking over to my dress, shifting the fabric around with my hand.

"I will. Just not yet."

I roll my eyes. "This is why I'm marrying Caspian. You're so shady."

Ark better consider being honest with me soon, because once I'm married to Caspian, there is a chance he will remain as my personal guard. My husband will happily fire him.

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