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Word Count: 1698


Leaning down, I wind a bow with my shoe laces, making the most of the brief break to get regain my breath.

"Seems as though you're back to rule breaking," Ark observes from where he leans against the wall.

I wipe the sweat from my brow. "Huh?"

It's been a day and he is back on his feet, watching over my training. He still looks battered, and at points I've noticed him wavering...but he won't admit that.

His gaze is glacial. "What is it about near-death experiences that leaves you needing to touch yourself."

I frown. I didn't...


My mind flickers back to last night, at the sinful thing I did with my mate, a man whose face I haven't even seen, whose voice I haven't even heard.

It went too far last night. I shouldn't have allowed myself to indulge in something so wrong.

"Oh, I didn't...I mean..."

Ark raises his brow. "Hmm?"

"It's probably the adrenaline. I don't know," I mutter, straightening.

I hope he doesn't comment on my lack of eye contact. I'm thoroughly embarrassed, and it's not as if I can tell him about the depravity of my actions last night.

"You reverted all the great progress you were making." He strides at me. His presence doesn't aid my discomfort, as I sweep the area with my eyes for any escape.

"I'm regretting it now, trust me," I mumble into my hand, blowing warmth onto my cold fingertips.

Ark bends slightly at the hip to look directly into my eyes. "What is your punishment going to be?"

My actions are haunting me, is that not enough? I'm thoroughly embaressed and ashamed, and yet I cannot consider in anyone.

Ark would...I don't even want to think about what he would do.

Images flash through my mind. I'm pressed against the tree by my mates strong grip, his powerful body holding me tight.

The pleasure I felt.

I let out a big breath. "A chastity belt?"

Something as depraved and disturbed as I am, clearly.

"Since you're clearly feeling regret, I'll delay your punishment until I see fit," he eventually conceedes, tilting his head as he examines my expression.

Part of me wants to tell him, as if I'm repenting. He wouldn't want to hear that though, and his inevitable punishment he would enforce on me would only make me feel more guilty.

I glare up at him. "So you plan to torture me?"

He offers me a smile, mostly out of pity. "Only a little."

"You are terrible. What training am I doing today?" It would be nice to delve deep into training and not think about this. I actually enjoy training, when Ark isn't being unnecessarily harsh.

Ark looks over me. "I think your strength is improving, as you clearly overpowered your attacker, so I'm thinking something more skill based."

I rub the back of my neck. For a moment there I did fight him, but his strength was beyond mine. Had he wanted to kill me, were that his aim, he would have been successful.

"I didn't overpower him. He walked away," I admit sheepishly.

I'm walking a fine line. By admitting that to him, I risk him finding out the reason why my mate had mercy.

The Princess's Guard ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ