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Word Count: 2113

-Mature Content Warning!!-


Peeking around the doorway into the infirmary, I see Ark laying in the furthest bed.

A smile touches my lips. He's alive. I knew he would be. And he's laying in bed, a rare sight for such a strong, healthy man.

As I approach, I wince, noting the intensity of his wounds.

"You look terrible," I observe, my attention grazing over him, over the white bandages wound around his limbs.

He laughs breathily. "Thanks, Kiva."

The wounds on his face are the most offensive to look at. A large, deep indigo bruise spreads over his right eye and cheek, accompanied by some minor scratches.

They didn't hold back with him. Like they didn't hold back with Andri.

"How are you feeling?" I ask uncomfortably. I don't know how he responds to kindness, since I'm so brash with him all the time.

"Better than I deserve. I can't believe they bested me," he mutters, frowning deeply.

"There were eight of them, all armed apparently. Nobody could have fought them off," I assure him. Were anyone able to, it would be him, but he wasn't armed and no one could have predicted this tonight.

Ark stares at me. "I was worried they got to you..."

I clear my throat, tilting from foot to foot. This isn't simple to say.

"One of them did."

Ark stills, a frown deepening between his brows. I watch him straighten, as if the information hasn't properly registered.

"Did they hurt you?" His gaze roves over my exposed skin, checking for anywhere I may be favouring.

"No, I'm fine. He wanted to take me with him, but he got interrupted," I explain, shuddering at the thought.

What would have happened had I succumbed to the mate bond and went with him? I haven't been able to stop thinking about it...

Which is why, tonight, I have plans to sneak out and meet this strange mate of mine.

I'm going to regret it. There is a chance he may kill me, or kidnap me, but I have to take the risk, otherwise I will never rest. And a life of torment wondering who my mate is and what could have happened had I met him is not one I want to resign myself to.

"Did he say anything?" Ark pushes.

"Not a word." At least that is the truth.

Ark releases a long breath from his nose, casting a glance out the far infirmary window, where it snows softly over the woodland area that flanks the manor.

"So they want you alive. That's good to know," he murmurs, although he doesn't sound happy about either option.

I wrap my arms around myself, even though it isn't cold in here. "I can't imagine what they would do to me if they did get a hold of me. I'd rather be killed."

"That won't happen." A cold, firm promise.

Ark isn't going to allow himself to be bested by intruders again. For once, I feel safe here. And tonight, I'm going to throw all of that away for some thrill and excitement.

I look over him, chewing on my nails. "Can't believe I hoped you had lived. I should be wanting you dead."

"Coming to like me, huh?" He gives me the barest smile. It's the first I've seen of it, and when it's genuine like this, it lights his eyes up.

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