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Word Count: 1982


Ark's presence looms behind me as I'm invited in the foyer of Caspian's massive palace.

It's not his place entirely. There are the King and Queen, but they are not here during my visit.

Father sent me here for one reason alone.

To convince Caspian to propose to me.

"Caspian, it is wonderful to see you again," I exclaim, seeing him stride across the foyer toward me.

He looks vaguely handsome today, all dressed up like a Prince in his baby blue dress shirt and dark coat. I swear his eyes are brighter, hair lighter than I remember.

"You too, Kiva. Thank you for visiting," he greets.

"I brought my personal guard with me as well. I'm sure you understand why." I motion behind me at Ark.

Caspian's smile vanishes as he takes in the imposing sight of my guard. Ark merely dips his head of way of greeting, of showing his respect to a Prince.

Instead of acknowledging him, Caspian turns his attention to me.

"Oh Kiva, what has been happening to you is just horrendous. Truly...I cannot imagine." He reaches out and grabs my hand with heartbreaking gentleness.

My heart would melt if this manner of speaking impressed me.

"Once we locate where the rebel group is based, this threat will be put down immediately," I tell him firmly.

I glance back at Ark, who nods once.

"Do you have any idea why they are targeting you?" Caspian asks, tapping his index finger against his chin.

"No...but I wish I did know."

More than anyone...I want to know why my mate is targeting me.

Caspian holds his arm out to me. "Come, walk with me in the gardens."

With a polite smile, I link mine through his, letting him guide me out through the back to the gardens. Just like at home, the ground is frosted over, and not much grows.

"I apologise about Ark tailing us," I say, glancing behind as Ark lingers back respectfully, keeping his distance, although is clearly within earshot.

Caspian looks back too, the slightest frown creasing his forehead. "It's for your safety, I entirely understand."

"You look uncomfortable..." I notice.

"Forgive me. It's just the last time I saw him, he interrupted us." He rubs the back of his neck, remembering when Ark busted in and shoved him out of the room unceremoniously.

I doubt in his entire life as Prince, he has ever been handled like that.

"Right," I wince. "I'm sorry about that night by the way. I'm not usually so...desperate."

I wish I could that night back. I didn't think father would bring me here in pursuit of a marriage so soon, but he's pressured by the rebellion, and wants to get me away from the estate as soon as possible.

Caspian and I may be married for years and I won't be able to escape the memory of that night.

"All is forgiven. I was as, how do you say, desperate as you were," he admits quietly, looking down at his feet.

I watch him, even as I feel the intensity of Ark's gaze tracking us. We could be whispering, and I doubt what we are saying would go unheard to him.

Clearing my throat, I force a smile onto my face. "So, what do you have planned for my visit?"

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